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Unfortunately, it was three months before he saw Liam again. Alex was with Alice at a book signing. Liam stepped up to the table and smiled at the middle-aged woman. Alex looked at Liam and noticed the pale skin and sunken eyes. Liam obviously hadn't been doing well.

"What's your name?"

"Liam." he told Alice.

"That's a nice name." she signed his book to him and held it out. Liam hadn't looked at Alex beyond a glance when he first stepped up to the table. Alex waited until Liam started away before excusing himself and following Liam. he found Liam leaning next to the exit.

"I've only got a few minutes what do you want?" Liam asked.

"How have you been?" Alex could see he wasn't well, but would Liam admit it.

"Fine. I have to go." Alex held out a hand to stop him. Liam side stepped a flash of fear going through his eyes. "What?"

"You know if you need anything all you have to do is ask."

"I'm fine." Liam insisted and hurried out. Alex was worried about the kid he looked like he'd lost weight and the fear in his eyes said something had happened. Alex lay in bed that night unable to get Liam's face out of his mind. He needed to find him. Find out what the hell had happened. There was something about the kid he couldn't forget him. His chest hurt thinking of Liam somewhere afraid or hurt. When dawn came, he dressed and headed for his car. He headed out of the city toward his father's home. they'd had several dinners and more than a few drinks. His father had apologized over that first drink and they'd slowly been rebuilding their relationship. Now he was going to see how strong it was by asking a very difficult favor.

His father was in his study when Alex came in.

"Alex. It's nice to see you."

"You to." Alex took a seat and worried his bottom lip.

"What's wrong son?"

"What do you know about Paul Styms son-in-law?"

"Derek? Not much. He's a cop. He's well liked and a very good detective. Why are you asking?"

"What about his son?"

"Liam? A very good kid. he seems to have had some trouble here and there. He had gotten into college, but it seems he's not going now. What's going on Alex?" Alex told his father about finding Liam then about the fight he interrupted. He told him about the injuries and how Liam had looked the day before.

"His father may be a good cop, I don't know, but I know this he's beating the shit out of his son. If it keeps up, he could kill Liam."

"Have you told the police?"

"Unfortunately, with his father being a cop the other cops are not so willing to hear bad about him. I'm thinking of talking to Paul though. Paul has always been a fair man."

"He tries to be, but he was no saint in his marriage either. Carrie unfortunately has married a man like her father it seems. If you want to help Liam it's going to have to be from outside their family and precinct."

"Would you have any contacts that you could talk to? Someone who might be able to help?" His father tapped his chin in thought.

"I think so. I've an old friend in IA she might be able to look into the situation. It may take awhile before she can make a difference." Alex nodded.

"I understand. thank you, dad." His father was still tapping his chin but this time he was looking at his son.

"You like this boy, don't you?" Alex raised his eyebrows in surprise.

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