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Liam was sitting up in bed when Alex showed up in his doorway.

"You look like you are feeling better." Alex said.

"Don't let the meds fool you." Liam winced adjusting his position. "Let me guess, you've been working?"

"Nope, I went out for something." He pulled a t-shirt out of the beg in his hand and held it up to his front. "What do you think? Does it suit me?" Liam laughed at the iron man suit t-shirt.

"Yeah, not dorky at all." Alex put it in the chair in the room and sat on the bed next to Liam.

"So what happens next in these movies?"

"Have a seat I'll show you."

They spent a lot of time together over the next weeks. His father pleaded guilty and went straight to sentencing letting Helen and Liam forget about him. Her divorce papers weren't contested either. No one knew who had hired the lawyer for him but Alex was sure it was Joey White. As Liam healed he got stronger. Their movie marathons got shorter, and the started spending time doing other things. When he'd been full recovered Alex took Liam out for dinner one night to celebrate a nice recovery.

"You know. I can't figure you out." Liam told him as dinner was delivered. He'd ordered the steak and Alex had gotten the surf and turf.

"What's to figure out?"

"Why you keep doing this?"

"Doing what?" Alex was a little confused.

"Being so nice to me. You helped me get rid of dad, save mom. You and your dad are keeping us at his place still. Though I get why your dad wants us there. He and mom have gotten close. I like to see her being treated so well. But what about you. I don't get a benevolent big brother feel out of this. More like you are trying to date me without actually dating me." Alex looked at Liam steadily. "If you want to go out with me why not just ask?"

"Maybe I'm waiting until I know you aren't going to have any more nightmares before I chance breaking your heart if it doesn't work out between us." Liam had nightmares almost every night until Liam had showed up in Alex's room one night and had stayed every night since then. His nightmares had gone almost completely away, as long as Alex was there nearby.

"I'm willing to risk it on you." Liam told him. "Does that mean we can call this our first date?" Alex saw Liam smiling at him.

"Alright." Alex was till a little worried but he was willing to chance it. After dinner Alex took Liam for a drive just driving the interstate loop around the city so they could talk. Nothing much changed except how Alex and Liam saw each other.

They'd been officially dating for several weeks. Alex had been trying to keep his hands to himself despite sharing his bed with his new boyfriend. He wasn't sure Liam was ready yet and wasn't going to risk it yet. He didn't know that Liam was thinking along the same lines but wanting to at lest see what Alex kissed like. Alex like normal was laying in bed reading a new manuscript. One he was actually interested in for once. Liam was on his computer doing his online college courses.

"Must be a good one." Liam said getting Alex's attention.

"Yeah, what makes you think that?"

"Normally you read a chapter or two then start skipping pages if you don't like it. This one you are actually reading all of."

"They've actually got an original idea here. I think I'll actually have them up for a meeting." Alex looked over finally noticing that Liam wasn't on his computer anymore.

"Done with class?"

"Yes. Two more weeks and I've got one course down."

"Sticking with criminology?" Alex asked.

"Oh yes. I'm thinking IA someday." Alex knew the motivation behind that. Liam took the manuscript from him and turned it around. "Looks like you are just getting to a steamy part. 'Her bosom heaved as he caressed her thighs making her wet'. Seriously? A period book. What's the original part of this?"

"The world in it's context but for one thing men and women are reversed in social standing. Worked out well. You might like it if you skip the sex parts." He teased Liam.

"Do you enjoy sex scenes of guys and girls?" Liam asked moving around and straddling Alex's stretched out legs. He saw Alex swallow. Going back to the page he kept reading. "He knew how strong she was when she ruled her kingdom. He knew how smart she was when she worked a party winning the people's hearts over and over again. Now he could see how gentle and kind she was as she made love to him. He'd been a prize to many women a trophy to some but never had he been cherished the way she seemed to as she made his body hers.' That's not bad. 'His legs trembled as he lay on the bed where she'd asked him to recline for her. Her mouth worshiped his body as she kissed and caressed him. The control she had when she faced an irate noblewoman translated here as she kept control of every moment every caress and showed him how much she truly cared for him.'" He stopped reading. Alex saw a flash of hurt across his eyes and retch out to take the manuscript.

"Why do I feel like I should apologize for having this here?"

"Because you are like that character actually a caring person."

"What's wrong?" Liam moved from his spot putting space between them.

"Just thinking that I can sympathize. Dad needed a punching bag to feel better. Joey wants someone to take his frustrations out on and someone that can make him feel powerful and in control. I never dated cause I didn't think anyone would understand the crap I had to put up with. You were different you didn't take no for answer you just helped whether I liked it or not. Believe me there were sometimes I wanted to ring your neck for putting yourself fin danger for me. But if ever there was a grand gesture I figure you made one."

"I don't know about grand gestures, I just wanted you to be safe."


"I'm not sure I have an answer for that." Liam just sat there staring at him. "Damn." Alex said and slid closer to Liam. "You had taken crap for years to protect your mother. No doubt your father threatened your mother if you didn't do what joey wanted. I'm no idiot Liam I saw the bruises I know what he did to you." Liam looked away shame on his face. Alex retch out and took Liam's hand. "All I know is that every time I saw you with bruises I wanted to kill someone. All I've wanted to do since I met you was protect you."

"All you wanted to do?"

"Maybe I want more but I think we've got plenty of time for that." Alex chuckled.

"You want to date me, make love to me. Don't you?" Alex swallowed and nodded.

"You aren't ready for that."

"I don't know. I don't think I want the whole enchilada yet but a kiss or two might be nice." Alex leaned forward laying a gentle kiss on Liam's lips. Liam gave a slight shiver. Alex started to pull back but Liam grabbed his shirt keeping him close.

"No, don't go anywhere."

"I don't want to press you."

"Let me." Liam said and kissed Alex, Liam was hesitant. He'd never had a real kiss. Never gave one. Joey's were sloppy and possessive. Punishing, even demeaning at times. His movements were slow but they seemed to do the trick as Alex shifted closer in encouragement. They sat that way for some time giving and receiving slow kisses. When Liam felt like he'd pushed himself far enough he broke the kiss but didn't move away. They were both breathing raggedly.

"It's late, we should get some sleep." Alex said. Liam nodded and they stretched out turning off the lights. The next night after Liam finished his classes he distracted Alex with more kisses. As night after night went by Liam felt more secure in his desire. He knew that he wanted Alex, knew that Alex wasn't like Joey he'd never hurt him.

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