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As the credits scrolled, he had to admit movies were better than they used to be when he paid attention. Even at the last premier he'd only given it half his attention. The other had been on Tony.

"You know, you and stark are kind of similar." Liam said making Alex snort.

"Yeah, how is that?"

"You are both rich, good looking, jerks, who help people whether they like it or not." Alex laughed again.

"I'm not sure about the red and gold though, kind of flashy for me." It was Liam's turn to laugh now.

"Well he is a flashy kind of guy. Should we watch another one?" Alex hesitated but nodded. Liam wasn't going to sleep again, and he wouldn't leave him to suffer alone. Liam finally fell asleep midway in their third movie. Alex shut the top and set the laptop aside. He wasn't sure about leaving though, he didn't want Liam to wake up from a nightmare alone. Alex just slid down in the bed and closed his eyes. He'd get what little sleep he could.

Liam woke slowly and grimaced when his pain racked his body. Not only was he in pain now he was stiff from laying place all night. He started to move to stretch his muscles, but something held him down. He looked down and nearly had a panic attack. A man's arm was across his chest. His first thought was Joey, but this wasn't Joey's place it was Alex's place. Liam took several deep breaths slowing his pulse.

"You okay?" Alex asked making Liam jump.

"Yeah, uh... I just don't remember falling asleep."

"I guess those meds finally kicked in." Alex rolled over and stood from the bed groaning as his body stretched and came awake fully. He was trying to quiet his own heart. He hadn't meant to sleep so long or sleep so close to Liam. Liam's movement had awakened him and sent his blood rushing and his hard on to full mast not just his usually morning semi. He waited for it to get the message that it wasn't getting any this morning before walking around the bed.

"Feel like a shower today?" Alex asked Liam who was silently watching him.

"That sounds awesome."

"I'll get it started for you." Alex disappeared into the bathroom. Liam took a breath hearing the shower start. Alex had looked good fresh out of bed. Liam shook his head. This was a not good track to take. They were not compatible or even alike in some way. Alex came back and helped him to stand.

"You need some help?" Alex asked.

"No, I can get it." Liam started to take a step, but his legs wobbled and only Alex swift actions kept him from face planting in the carpet.

"You sure?" Liam ignored the humor in his voice.

"I guess not."

"I can go get your mother if you'd like." Liam jerked his head up and saw that Alex was teasing him.

"You're a dick. Just help me into the bathroom." Liam's face was flaming as Alex helped him get his shorts off and into the shower. Alex tried to keep his face neutral, but the sight of the bruises and cuts made him seethe. Liam's ribs were showing and head cuts from a beating with a crop or cane on his back. No wonder he'd kept the sheet pulled up to his chest when his mother had been in the room. Liam tried to stand alone but he kept wobbling. "God damn it." Liam cursed.

"We could try a bath?"

"I am not two."

"I noticed." Alex mumbled to himself. He sighed shucked his own pants and climbed into the shower behind Liam.

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