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Alex waited until the back was opened and police officers were there before leaning up to check on Liam.

Liam, Liam babe please wake up. Come on, I'm here so I need you to wake up." Alex gave a sigh of relief as Liam groaned and opened his eyes. After blinking a couple times he focused on Alex face.

"Alex, what's going on?"

It's alright, the police are here. It's going to be alright." Liam wrapped his arms around Alex pulling him down to hold him tight.

"I knew you'd come for me. You haven't been good about staying away so why start now." They laughed together. "Kiss me."

"You lip?" Alex said looking at the split and bloodied lip.

"I don't care. I want to feel you kiss me." Alex kissed him as gently as he could. When he pulled back the two police officers standing there had turned around giving them privacy. "According to Joey you took a beating rather than let him..." Alex trailed off giving a sigh. "I wouldn't have held it against you."

"I know, but I'd have held it against me. This way anything he's done can be forgotten after a couple weeks. Right now, I'd like some meds and a shower."

"I think we can handle that, and this time you are staying in the hospital over night." Liam gave a whine.

"Do I have to. You know I hate doctors."

"If you don't I'm going to sick your mother on you and after hours of worrying she's going to be on my side."

"Alright, I give. Just don't let her try singing to me. I love her but she's got a very terrible voice."

Joey White was over. With one stupid obsession with Liam he'd gotten himself caught. It was far from shutting down his whole system but it was a start. Liam stayed in the hospital for two days. Alex refused to leave. When Liam finally got back to the estate where his mother insisted he come Alex went with him. After making sure Liam took one of his pain pills he left him to get some rest and headed down to the kitchen for a snack. After making a sloppy bowl of ice cream he sat to enjoy it and found his father coming in to get coffee.

"How is he feeling?" His father asked.

"Not bad actually. Compared to what he's been through in the past this is nothing. I think he'll recover, in more than one way a lot faster."

"He seems to do the best when he's with you. He loves you, you know."

"I know, I love him too. Makes it easy to recognize."

"Gonna make this a permanent thing?"

"I hope so." Alex says taking a big mouthful of his ice cream.

"Here try these." He held out his hand depositing two rings in Alex's palm. Alex couldn't believe it these were gram and grandpa's rings.

"Dad? Are you sure?"

"They'll be put to good use with you. Besides I'm gonna buy new ones for Helen and I."

"I knew it. Sooner or later you'd get around to it. Congratulations dad. She deserves a good man like you." He shook his sons hand.

"And her son deserves the good man he has. There's more than one way to gain a son and I get to use two of them I guess." They laughed together. After finishing his ice cream he went back up to his room and stretched out next to Liam. Grinning Alex picked up Liam's left hand lightly. Then took his grams ring which was identical to grandpa's just slightly smaller and slid it on his slim finger. We'd see how long it took for him to notice it.

Grabbing a manuscript Alex settled in to read while he watched over Liam. Liam sighed and winced as he tried to sit up as he woke.

"Shit that hurts." Liam said.

"Then don't move dummy." Liam glared at Alex.

"Thank you doctor I didn't realize that." Alex laughed and laid the manuscript aside.

"Do you want something? I can grab you food or a drink if you want."

"No thanks. How about just helping me sit up some." Alex helped Liam to sit up. He was settling the covers again when Liam lifted his left hand.

"What's this?" He asked twirling it on his hand.

"Well the way I see it if you are going to keep getting in trouble I think people should know they'll have to deal with me. That is if you'll put up with me for say, the rest of your life?" Liam smiled and chuckled.

"On one condition."

"What that?" Liam pulled him forward and kissed him.

"Stop holding back when we make love."


"You and I both know why you do. You don't have too. You aren't him, you'll never hurt me. Never."

"I promise. When you are well I'll show you what it means to belong to me."

"Good. Then you better have a matching one for you." Alex held up the other ring. Liam slid it on his hand.

"There now everyone knows you are mine." It took two weeks before Liam could convince Alex he was healed enough to make love to. Alex kept to his word. He stopped holding back and used every trick in his little black book to drive Liam crazy before making love to him, possessing him, making sure that Liam felt Alex through his whole body. As they lay there panting the sweat on their bodies cooling Liam began to laugh.

"Now that is something I can get used to, regularly. Next up I'm thinking we should see if that backseat in your GTO will accommodate two.

"I've never tried but I say we find out." Alex said kissing his fiancé again. Yeah not letting go of Liam was his best idea ever.

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