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When they finally got to his father's house both Liam and his mother had made statements at the police and then been checked out at the emergency room. Both had refused to stay at the hospital over night. Alex got them settled into guest rooms next to each other. He didn't think about his choice of putting Liam next to his own room. With he help of his fathers cook he got some food ready and took trays up to them. Liam ate his slowly the bruises and grimaced every couple bites. Every time he stopped Alex told him to keep going. When the plate was finally empty Alex set it in the hall to collect on his way out.

"How's mom?" He asked.

"She's next door, Alice, my fathers cook is helping her to get situated."

"I should check on her." Liam said starting to get up, but Alex pushed at his shoulders.

"Are you crazy, lay back down. She's fine. She's much better than you are. You heard the doctor, you are not exactly in tip-top shape. Take your meds get some sleep. I bet as soon as she's done, she'll be over here."

"I just want to make sure she's okay."


"How's everyone settling in?" Alice said leading Liam's mother, Helen into the room.

"See, what did I tell you." Alex said standing to Helen could sit next to her son.

"I'm fine." Liam said.

"You are not fine, my baby, how could you not tell me you were hurt so bad. I knew he'd been rough with you lately but, broken bones. You've got a concussion, broken arm, ribs, cuts, bruises. You should have told me."

"You couldn't have done anything about it, it was better me than you." Alex saw her frown. He had a feeling it was an old argument between them.

"Well, no reason to rehash it I guess, we're safe and he'll be gone for a long time." Liam nodded smiling as much as he could at his mother.

"Well you two need some down time and to get some rest. The intercom is right next to each bed just holler if you need anything, I live here so I'm always around." Alice said pushing Alex out the door ahead of her. Liam chuckled.

"Why do I think we are both going to get mothered by her?"

"Because I did not raise a stupid son." Her face fell as she looked at Liam's bruised and battered face.

"Mom, don't."

"My baby, I'm so sorry." She started to cry. Liam ignored his pain and sat up to hug her.

"It's alright. Hey look where we are. This place is a fortress, dads in jail probably getting beat since he's a cop. Alex has probably already doubled the guard and ordered sweeps with dogs every five minutes to keep us safe. Not to mention his dad, the man is seriously smitten with you at first sight." He smiled seeing her blush. His mom deserved some spoiling by a good man.

"Well, he's a good man for helping us and taking us in." She clicked her son at his smile. "Oh, hush you. Go to sleep. I'm going to try and find my way to the kitchen for some water. Do you want anything?"

"No, I'm good."

"Don't forget to take your meds if the pain bothers you."

Liam watched her leave but couldn't get to sleep. His mind was thinking about Alex. Why had he bothered to do so much for them? Liam shook his head and forced his mind blank not sure he wanted an answer.

Alex sipped his coffee and looked out over the yard. He could see the new guards patrolling the walls at the back and wondered what else his father had implemented. The back door opened, and Helen came out.

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