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The next morning, he was pouring coffee when he heard the kid get up. Loco came out fully dressed in fresh clothes.

"I hope you don't mind I threw the crap I had away."

"I don't mind. Want some breakfast?"

"No thanks. I appreciate your help, but I think it's time I left."

"Your welcome to stay if you want." The kid was already shaking his head.

"No thanks. While appreciate the help I got places to be." Loco gave him a salute and left. Alex hoped the kid would be okay.

His work day was shaping up to be a pain in the ass. Two writers had said they weren't going to make book signings, and he had a client trying to back out of their contract. Luckily it was Friday. That night he had a fund raiser for illiteracy among adults. Alex was sitting at his table laurel and Jake were next to him.

"I heard Connie say that her husband was trying to squeeze some more donations out of you." Alex laughed.

"You have to admit he is tenacious."

"He's a pain in the ass is what he is." Laurel said then her face sobered as she looked beyond Alex. He turned and saw his father walk into the room. "I thought he didn't contribute anymore." Alex shrugged.

"I didn't think so either."

"How long has it been since you've seen him?"

"Eight years. The last time was to just finish clearing out my things. I stopped rotating in the same circles."

"Looks like he's getting back out there. Do you want to leave?" She asked. She knew that his father's rejection had hurt him badly.

"No. It's been a long time and I am not the kid I once was." He continued to watch his father despite saying that. Despite it all he still loved his father. His father greeted a former member of the Police department. The man shook his fathers' hand and smiled widely. Then gestured as he turned a young man stepping up. Alex choked on his water as he saw Loco step up and shake his fathers' hand.

"Are you alright?" Laurel asked patting his back. "What was that?" Alex cleared his throat.

"You see the kid talking with my father and Paul Styms."


"Do you know him?"

"It's Paul's grandson, Liam I think is his name. He just got accepted to UMD, criminology. The son of his daughter, Carrie, you remember her. He's the sparkle of his granddaddies eye." Alex stared.

"That's the kid."

"What kid?"

"The kid from last night. That's the kid."

"Are you sure?"


"Because he's not a street kid."

"Obviously not. But what the hell was he doing on the street." Alex wanted to go over and find out what the hell was going on, but something told him he wasn't going to get a straight answer in front of witnesses. He waited bided his time and when he saw Liam heading for the hallway, he excused himself and followed. Liam went into the bathroom. Alex waited until Liam came out then stepped away from, he wall. "Liam." The kid turned and surprise then a moment of panic went over his face. Alex just raised his eyebrows.

"Alex Reagan. I'd ask what your doing here but I think that's fairly obvious. I should have thought a man like you who'd help a random stranger would be at something like this."

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