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Liam struggled against the cuffs around his wrists. Joey sat behind his desk while Liam knelt in front of it.

"I've missed you Liam. Sorry it took me so long to bring you back here where you belong. I'd been negotiating with your father to take you off his hands. Unfortunately his getting arrested made me keep away for awhile. No need to draw unwanted attention. It did mean that I don't have to give him what he wanted for you."

"What was that?"

"A couple million in cash." Liam's eyes went wide. Joey was going to pay a couple million for him? It would have been a very fair exchange I think." Joey got up and came around the desk to crouch in front of Liam. "You are by far a favorite toy." Joey leaned in and Liam spit in his face. Joey wiped his face off.

"You need to be nicer to me." He slapped Liam across the face.

"Why, you got nothing I want, and I can take anything you dish out." Liam glared. Joey held out his hand to a guard. It came back with a phone he turned around for Liam to see.

"I wouldn't count on that." Liam saw a live video of his mother and Mr. Reagan at the police station.

"Without your father to keep her safe... well I'm sure you'll behave rather than risk me taking my anger out on her." Liam's heart sped up triple time but he kept his face neutral. Joey leaned in and he let him kiss him. "There see, that wasn't so hard." Joey stood very happy. "Take him to my room, strip him, tie him up. I've got a phone call to make then I'll be up." Liam didn't resist as he was dragged up.

He just sat naked on the bed he was chained to by a collar. He'd been here before he knew that Joey would show up raging hard on and fuck him ten ways to Sunday, inflict some pain and bruises then leave him covered in cum and blood. If he was good and didn't struggle he was allowed a shower to wash. Alex's face came to him making Liam do something he hadn't done in years, cry. Alex, who had come to mean so much, who had became a friend before they became lovers. Alex had been gentle and caring when they made love. Liam had felt almost worshiped in Alex's arms. He knew that he wouldn't give up on him. All Liam had to do was hang on until Alex found a way to him. He'd always come before he wouldn't stop now. Liam buried his face in his pulled up knees.

"Please don't give up on me Alex." Liam muttered.

"You really think that book worm is going to save you?" Liam's head darted up and he saw Joey slowly starting to strip. Liam crawled back away from him. Joey took a menacing step closer. "Answer me."

"Yes, yes I do."

"Really. A lot of faith in a man I could bench press." Liam swallowed. Joey was a violent psycho who was territorial about his toys. If he didn't like Alex or knowing that Liam liked Alex then he'd take it out on his body. "Come here." Liam did it after only a hesitation. If he was good the pain would be less. Joey jerked Liam's head back by his hair. "You are mine, don't forget that." The kiss was harsh and punishing. Liam couldn't do it, he couldn't just sit there and let Joey kiss him, fuck him, not after Alex had done those things. Liam began to fight. Joey pushed him back and held him down. "I'll give a choice, submit to me and I'll go easy or fight me and I'll make this far more enjoyable for me than you."

"I won't do this. I love Alex. The only person who's going to fuck or kiss me is him so get the fuck off me." A closed fist met Liam's jaw making his vision go black for a moment. Liam wasn't sure if he'd survive this but he'd be damned if he just rolled over for Joey. I'm sorry Alex, if I don't live through this know that I was faithful and loved you more than anything. He prayed before renewing his fight.

Alex was watching the house attentively. He knew this was where Joey was the guy he'd paid for information had been certain and Alex had seen Joey at a window on the third floor more than once. He hadn't seen any trace of Liam yet but he was certain he was in there, well mostly certain. He just hoped that Joey had been to busy in that room to bother Liam just yet. It was getting dark. He needed something anything to prove that Joey had Liam so the police would do something. He was just sipping his coffee when he saw a very familiar shape come toward the window then be roughly shoved past it.

"Liam!" He grabbed the camera he'd bought and pointed it at the window he'd seen Liam. A minute passed and Liam came back into view Alex started snapping pictures as he did he saw Joey come into view and slap Liam across the face. Alex pulled the SD card from the camera and slid it into his laptop he sent the pictures to his father with a note saying '911 now' then jumped out of the car. Sure he'd not do a lot of good since he was no fighter but he'd be a distraction long enough for the police to get there.

He was right, and wrong. His distraction didn't last long before he was caught and dragged inside. He was dropped into a chair in front of a desk. Joey came in after a moment. A bleeding Liam was carried in and dropped to the floor.

"Liam." Alex dropped beside him turning him over so he could see his face. Joey had beaten him badly but after a check over him it seemed It had been confined to a beating. "What did you do to him?"

"Entertained myself. It's funny actually, he was certain you would come for him. I think it's why he put up such a fuss, preferred a beating to me fucking him. Either way I got some fun out of it. I'm sure you'll be some fun as well, before I kill you."

"Do what you want with me just let Liam go."

"Oh the noble sacrifice for someone you love. No, I think I'll keep you both. I'm curious though, what did you think you'd accomplish by coming here. Get ideas from those books of yours?"

"Yes actually. One really good one." Alex could hear the sirens getting closer. "Bad guys always fall for distractions."

"Sir, cops." A guard said running into the room.

"Bring them." Joey said. Liam and Alex were hauled up and carted downstairs. Then were thrown into the tail end of a SUV. Joey took off but had to slide to a stop as the cops surrounded them. Alex covered Liam with his body. Joey and his men were ordered out of the SUV but they opened fire and a hail of bullets struck the SUV. 

AN: Don't forget to follow me on Facebook or Patreon to keep up to date with news. Anything from sneak peeks, to up coming books, stories going on hiatus, and more.

Can't Let GoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora