Everyday heros

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Ricky POV:

"Hi, I'm here to pick up Amy, Taylor, and Jason Caswell." I say to the lady in the office.

"Okay, I'll call their teachers." She walks away.

About fifteen years ago EJ and I adopted twins (Jason and Amy) and then a year after that we adopted another girl.

I hear them talking faintly from the hallway as they come down to the office.

"I thought daddy had to work today?" Amy says.

"Yeah, that's weird. He's never able to leave work early."

"What if it's dad?" Taylor asks.

"No, he's supposed to be in Ukraine for another two months at least."

"But it's still possible right?"

"I guess."

They all turn the corner and come running towards me as soon as they see me.

They all hug me at once and start talking over each other.

"Okay, ok, one at a time." I say loudly.

"Ooo, dads usin his drill Sargent voice." Jason whispers to Taylor.

She giggles.

"I thought you weren't supposed to be home for another few months." Amy says.

We start walking home.

"Well they sent me home."

Their eyes widen, they know that's not normally the best thing.

"Did something happen?" Taylor asks.

"Yeah, you could say that."

"What?" Jason asks.

I stop and lift my right pant leg up.

They all look so shocked.

"That's so friggin cool!" Taylor says.

"Did it hurt?"

"What? Getting it cut off or getting shot in it?"

"All of it."

"Hell yeah."

"I thought you stopped feeling pain after you got your two fingers blown off."

"Of course I can still feel pain. I'm not super dad just because I'm in the army."


"Daddy, close yours eyes." Jason says as he walks into the kitchen stopping EJ from walking further.

"Why?" He asks as Jason takes of his sock and ties it around his eyes.

"It's a surprise." Amy says.

They guide him into the living room and take the sock off his eyes.

"Surprise." I say.

"What are you doing here?"

"I got sent ho..." EJ pulls me to him and hugs me tightly as he starts crying.

"I missed you so much." He says as kiss my shoulder.

"I missed you too baby." I kiss him.

I see Taylor out of the corner of my eye, holding her phone up.


"So when did you get back?" EJ asks as he's getting in bed and I'm across the room.

"Two days ago."

"What? Why didn't you come back right away?"

"I was in the hospital."

He sits up quickly. "What happened? Why didn't you call?"

"I didn't want you and the kids to worry, I'm fine now."

"Richard. What. Happened?"

"I got my leg amputated."

"Oh my god. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine babe, calm down." I start to take my clothes off.

"How'd that happen?"

"I got shot a few times in my knee."

"That sounds like it would hurt."

"It did." I get in bed next to him.

"Does that mean no more sex?"

I laugh. "That's your first thought?"


"No, we can still do that."

"You might just have to stick to being the bottom."

"Oh hell no, I'll find a way to be the top regardless."

"Yeah, okay."

Thought this would be cool to do.
Thx for reading

RJ one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora