Healing over time

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Ricky POV:

Im running out of the ambulance with the other paramedics towards the wounded people.

"Richard! Come get this guy in the ambulance I gotta help these other people."

"Okay." I run over to the guy and get down by him.

He's passed out, I check for his pulse....... Nothing

"Hey I need a stretcher and an oxygen mask!" I yell.

Another paramedic comes over with a stretcher. We put him on it and rush him into the ambulance and hook him up to the oxygen tank.

After a few minutes he still hasn't had a pulse.

"Richard you're gonna have to do CPR or he's not gonna make to the hospital."

"Alright." I take his mask off and start doing chest compressions.

Kate starts humming staying alive.


I'm standing outside of his room talking to the doctor.

"What are his injuries?" She asks.

"3rd degree burns on his left arm and back. He went into anaphylactic shock in the ambulance, and he has cracked ribs."

"Okay, thank you." She walks into the room.

(A year and a half later)

"As of today, you're all interns now. Welcome to the sucky field of medicine." The doctor says to all of us.

Everyone looks at their assigned floors and the types of patients they would be dealing with. I got the ICU.


I walk into a room to take care of a patient. It's the guy from the fire last year.

"Hello, I'm Dr Bowen. I'll be subbing in for Dr Omaley today if that's alright."


"So I was reading you papers and it says you were in a fire last year and got some pretty bad injuries, including lung damage. Which is what the doctors think could be leading to your current health problems."

"Yeah, that's what I was told."

"Mind if I take a listen?" I take off my stethoscope.

He nods.

I put it on his chest. "In," he breaths in. "Out," I move the stethoscope. "In,"......


I'm walking towards out the door, towards my car. The guy from earlier comes up to me.

"Oh, hello." I say.

"Hey, Dr Bowen right?"

I nod.

"Hey I was wondering if, since you had a long day obviously, if you wanted to go get a drink?"

"Uh........ sure?"


"So, you're a doctor. I imagine you're pretty good with your hands." EJ says as he takes a sip of his drink.

"Are hitting on me?"


"I like it."

He leans over and kisses me. I pull away.

"I'm sorry, it's not really aloud."

"Well you said you were just subbing in today right?"

"Yeah, I guess it's ok." I lean towards him.

(5 year later)

"Oh Ricky!!!!!!" EJ moans.

I go faster as he pulls my hair.

I moan as I orgasm. "You feel that?"

"Oh feels so fucking good."

I pull out of him and lay next to him once we both finish.

"Marry me."



"No, what is it baby?" He rolls over facing me.

"W-will you marry me?"

"Absolutely." He hugs me and kisses me.

"I don't have a ring though."

"That's okay, we can go get one tomorrow."

"Why tomorrow? It's only 13:00."

"Oh you know exactly why." He smirks at me.

I was planning on this going a slightly different.
Thx for reading

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