Introducing me

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Pls let me know if y'all want more EJ POVs.

Ricky POV:

I'm on the phone with my dad talking about my boyfriend and how I'm nervous to introduce him to my mom.

"But what if she doesn't like him? It took her a bit to come around to the fact that I'm gay to begin with." I say into my phone.

"It'll be fine. I mean come on, I love him. He's great!" My dad says.

"Dad, you like everyone..... almost."

"Exactly, almost."

"Thanks dad, I gotta go. We're almost to her apartment."

"Okay, by son. Good luck, tell EJ I said hi."

"Will do. Love you." I hang up.

EJ and I met at Washington state university, he wants to be a teacher. And I want to....... I actually don't know quite yet. I haven't seen my mom in two years since her wedding right after my graduation.

We met at a frat party, and decided it was too pretentious for us and left and ended up talking for a few hours. We exchanged numbers and continued talking.

"My dad says hi." I say to EJ.

He smiles as he puts his hand on my thigh.

"It's gonna be okay bubbs. Even if your mom doesn't like me, that won't keep us from being together."

"Yeah, you're right about that." I kiss him.


I knock on my moms apartment door.

Todd opens the door. "Hey Ricky! Come in." Todd says.

We walk in.

"So I take it you're his boyfriend?"

"Yes sir, I'm EJ." I shake his hand.

"Well your mom will be here in a bit, she's picking up Dan from daycare."

"Wait what?"

"Oh, I-I thought your mom told you?"

"I have a brother now? And no one told me?!"

"Ricky, I really am sorry. She said she was gonna tell you." We all sit on the couch.

"It's okay."

"You guys can put your stuff in your room while we wait."

"Okay." EJ stands up holding my hand.

We walk to my room.

"Nice piano." EJ says as he plays one of the keys.

"My mom wanted me to feel at home when she moved here so she got be one."

"That was nice of her."

"Yeah." I look over and see him wrapping himself in a blanket.

"Babe what are you doing?" I ask laughing.

"Being a burrito." He says and rolls off the bed.


"Yeah I bet that hurt."

"Oh stop, get your cute ass down here with me."

"If you insist." I lay next to him on the floor.

"Hi angel." He smiles at me and wraps me in the blanket with him.

"Hey." I kiss him.

He kisses me back and squeezes my ass, I moan softly.

"You wanna have a little quicky before-."

"Ricky your moms here!" Todd yells from the living room.

EJ groans as I get up.

"Later bubbs."

"Fine." He gets up and puts the blanket back on the bed.

"Ricky hi! You're here early." My mom says as we walk into the living room.

"Hey mom." She hugs me.

"Oh, hi. Uh, you must be his boyfriend?" She asks nervously.

"Yes ma'am. I'm EJ." EJ says.

"And this is Dan?" I ask as I walk over to the little boy drinking his juice on the couch.

"Yep, he's your brother." Todd says smiling.

"Hi bud. I'm Ricky." I wave to him as I kneel in front of him.

"Hi." He mumbles.

"He's your brother." My mom says as she sits next to him, brushing a piece of hair out of his face.

She did that to me all the time whenever she sees me and it's necessary.

"How bout we eat some dinner?"

"Yeah." We all go over to the table and sit down.

We spend the next bit talking about college and how bad my mom feels for not telling me I had a brother and other typical family stuff.

"Good night guys." My mom whispers as EJ and I go in my room.

"Night mom." I say before I close the door.

"See that wasn't so bad." EJ says as he takes off his clothes.

"Yeah......... so we never got to do that thing earlier."

I've been working on this for about a week lol.
Thx for reading

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