Episode 1 - Knock First!

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Here's the next chapter, enjoy!

It was Saturday before noon at the Loud house, the kids were playing in the backyard and the teens were hanging in the front. Lincoln, however, was in his room. From his window, one could see random flashes.

Lincoln: (from his room) Obtuse! *Flash!* Rubber Goose! *Flash!* Green Moose! *Flash!* Guava Juice! *Flash!* Giant Snake! *Flash!* Birthday Cake! *Flash!* Large Fries! *Flash!* Chocolate Shake! *Flash!*

Inside the linen closet turned into a bedroom. Lincoln's room was bigger on the inside. Loaded with toys, snacks, and other items. On top of this pile, Lincoln was putting checkmarks down on a list of different things with one hand and a magic pencil, and a chocolate milkshake in the other.

Wanda: Thanks again sport, for helping us get ready for the Fairy Inspection!

Cosmo: All the extra wishing is gonna keep us in shape to impress the fairy! It's putting us (changes to a muscular body) in tip-top shape to impress the fairy inspector when he (back to normal) grades us on our competence as Godparents.

Lincoln: (finishes his milkshake) No problem, guys. And look at all these nice things I've gotten out of the deal! Nice catch on the "Green Moose" and "Giant Snake" wishes, Cosmo.

The Fairies and Godchild look over to a Green Moose parade float and a giant parade balloon of a snake.

Cosmo: Yeah, if you wanted an actual living green moose you've said so. And I know from yesterday you don't want Giant Snakes, I won't make that mistake again.

Wanda: You've redeemed yourself from yesterday, Snooky.

Cosmo: (fist pumps) Yes!

Lincoln: Time for the speed round. 

C&W got ready to make the wishes.

Lincoln: I wish for a rock'n'roll laser show, a unicorn, a bear on a unicycle, a tank, a castle, and a dragon, a team of superheroes, an atomic submarine, Irish dancers, cleaning products, fried chicken, and a beauty pageant! And, to wrap it all off, the Chinese Olympics Gymnastics Team!

As Lincoln made his final wish, Cosmo and Wanda blew on their now heated wands. Suddenly, Lincoln heard the sound of running footsteps, he immediately recognized these footsteps.

Lincoln: That's Lynn!

Cosmo: Which one? The short tomboy or the wimpy father?

Lincoln: Hey! Only a Loud can call my dad a wimp! And it's Lynn, she always barges in without knocking! Quick! I wish you guys would get rid of all this stuff and turn my room back to normal!

C&W raised their wands and the room and nice things were gone in a flash. The fairies then hid in their goldfish disguises as Lynn burst through the Loud boy's door. She was dribbling a soccer ball.

Lincoln: Lynn! Learn to knock first!

Lynn: Whatever. I need a goalie to catch my balls.

Cosmo stifles his laughter from Lynn's poor phrasing until Wanda smacks him.

Lincoln: Lynn, you know I hate playing soccer. It's what chipped my buck teeth. As matter of fact, you're the one who kicked that ball!

Lynn: ... You can't prove that.

Lincoln: I am the proof.

Lynn: (grabs Lincoln) Just come on!

Lynn runs out with Lincoln. Cosmo and Wanda poofed out of their disguise.

Wanda: Should we go after him?

Cosmo: No. I don't think he'll be gone long.

Lincoln now stood in front of a soccer goal, cowering in fear of oncoming pain.

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