Episode 4: Where's Wanda's Wand?!

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Another chapter that is based on the Hey Cartoon's shorts. Enjoy!

At the Loud House, Lori was waiting for someone while the other siblings got ready for bed.

Lori: Where the heck are they!? (Looks at the window, angrily) Mom and Dad were supposed to be home 10 minutes ago.

Just then Vanzilla pulls up on the driveway.

Lori: Finally!

Lynn Sr. opens the door.

Lynn Sr.: Thanks for watching the others, Lori.

Rita walks in.

Rita: Sorry we're late.

Lynn Sr.: The "Save the Sprinklers" foundation meeting ran a little long.

The sprinklers on the Loud's heads squirting water around.

Lori: (starry eyes) Oh, are you late? I hadn't noticed. (Sprinklers splashing her face) What lovely hats!

Rita: Oh, isn't tonight the big costume party at school?

Lori: Oh, is it? (pulls dressing thing, then rolls it away, suddenly dressed as a fairy godmother) I wondered why I was wearing this!

Rita: She is a fairy godmother. Oh, how beautiful!

Lynn Sr.: Still, it could use a bit of pizzaz, maybe something in our emergency costume supplies will come in handy. (Pulls out a box with "Costume Supplies" written on the side) Heaven knows it helped me in the past.

Rita: Oh, by the way, how was Lincoln this evening?

Lori: Oh you know, he's been quietly in his room all night.

In Lincoln's room, he had expanded it and wished a pirate ship inside. On board, Lincoln was tied to the mast and Cosmo poofed in wearing a pirate costume.

Cosmo: Argh, matey! Argh! Have ye any last words before Greenbeard the pirate makes ye walk the plank?

Lincoln: (Bored) Greenbeard?

Cosmo: (changes into his usual outfit) This pirate game was your idea, Lincoln. Besides, it's my favorite color. (changes back to pirate gear) Arrrgh!

Lincoln: Oh brother. Ok, I'll give it a shot. Not so fast Greenbeard!

Lincoln jumps over Cosmo and breaks free of the ropes.

Lincoln: (pulls out wooden sword) En garde! Hey, where's Wanda?

Cosmo: Oh you know how Wanda is Lincoln, she's probably still getting dressed.

Wanda poofs in with two eyepatches over both of her eyes.

Wanda: Well, how do I look? (Scared) Ahh! I can't see!

Cosmo poofs away one eyepatch and hearts circle between them.

Cosmo: You only need one, Snookie!

Wanda: (laughs) Thanks, sailor!

Cosmo: (laughs) Sailor! (Turns to Lincoln, looking bored as he leans on a post) How are we doing so far, Lincoln?

Lincoln: Don't quit your day job! I knew it would be thrilling having my fairy godparents around the house.

Cosmo: Avast ye swab!

Cosmo and Wanda have a swordfight with their wands against Lincoln and his wooden sword.

Lincoln: Parry!

Lincoln parries the two and knocks their wands out of their hands, Cosmo's wand lands in the fishbowl.

Cosmo: Good job!

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