Episode 10: Knighty Knight Sir Loud

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Here's a new chapter! Enjoy!

At the public park, there was a fair happening, the entrance sign of Royal Woods Camelot Festival, then the screen widens to Lincoln, Cosmo, and Wanda near the sign.

Lincoln: Oh boy! The 595th annual Royal Woods Camelot Festival! Where you get to dress up and act like people from the middle ages!

Cosmo turns into a 45-year-old man with gray temples, a paunch, bifocals, and a receding hairline.

Cosmo: Cool! I'm middle-aged! Hey, guys look I'm Mr. Grouse! (angrily) YOU KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN!

Lincoln and Wanda laughed at Cosmo's acting

Wanda: Not those middle ages...

Lincoln: No, I mean the long-ago time of knights and Dragons and wizards! This shall be most awesome! But I'm gonna need the best Knight costume ever!

Cosmo and Wanda wave their wands and turn Lincoln into a knight in shining armor. Cosmo is now a shield that resembles his face and Wanda is a pink horse. Several rear-view mirrors and a Rolls-Royce-type ornament on his hood popped out of his helmet.

Lincoln: Cool! I mean... ZOUNDS!

Cosmo: Yeah! That armor gets forty miles to the joust!

An airbag deploys in Lincoln's face.

Lincoln: Ooof!

Wanda: And it has standard airbags!

Lincoln: Normal armor, please.

Both waved their wands again and Lincoln now wears a normal suit of armor.

Lincoln: Come! Let us sally forth into yonder fair!

Cosmo: Uuuu...

Wanda: He wants us to go to the fair.

Cosmo: Ooh!

At The Fairgrounds, where Lincoln heroically rides in with triumphant fanfare. However, the fair actually turned out to be the worst fair ever. Lincoln rides up to a guy in the unpolished, knight suit.

Lincoln: Greetings fellow knight! Shalst we quest for the Grail?

Knight: Joust? I'm just here to point to where the porta-potties are. (points with his sword) Over there!

When he reaches to point, the six-foot-tall knight is actually a two-foot-tall guy behind a cut-out cardboard knight.

Lincoln: (snarky) Thanks for the info, Sir Lance-A-Little!

Knight: They always call me that here!

Cosmo: Oooo, burn.

The knight sobs into his hands and the second cut-out cardboard falls, revealing that he's actually one foot tall. Then, the camera follows as Lincoln, Wanda, and Cosmo trot on.

Lincoln: Well, that stunk. Well, maybe we can at least find a wizard!

Suddenly, a cheesy salesman in a wizard suit pokes into frame.

Wizard Salesman: Did somebody say, wizard?

Lincoln: What kind of wizard are you?

Wizard Salesman: I'm... The Cleaning Wizard!

He dramatically opens his robe to reveal a wide array of cheesy TV spray bottles and cleaning products.

Wizard Salesman: How many times has this happened to you? You're riding in the forest, when suddenly...

He tosses a big handful of cow manure on Cosmo.

Cosmo: Hey!

Wizard Salesman: You get cow manure on your talking shield! Well, the cleaning wizard makes almost all of it go away!

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