Chapter Three

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A/N: OMG! OMG! OMG! I am sooooo happy! Night Reign made it to #99 on the Vampire list n #9 on chicklit!!! Thanks to all u wonderful ppl who voted, commented n read my book.

This is my first book and I never expected to be anywhere near those numbers! I am absolutely ecstatic! ^ (*,*) ^ *does happy dance*

And hence this chapter is dedicated to all you lovely ppl that have helped this book get so far! I <3 u all….

I have also put up pictures of Nic and Ellie in the second and first chapters... I finally figured out how to use the links, hehe... so go check them out. Ellie is Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Nic is a model who's name I do not know... If anyone does plz tell me. I chose the guy cause he looked just as I pictured Nic in my mind... Anyway sorry for the long A/N I'm just excited!




Ellie’S POV

“You don’t say!”

“Actually I do. My brother’s a bit of a nut case. No I take that back… he is a nut case.”

“But you miss him.” It was a statement, not a question and I nodded. “Well when you’ve lived most of your life dealing with a troublesome monkey, normal life does get a bit boring…”

Nic’s expression changed from playful to somber. “I’d take normal any day. Or as normal as can be for me at least…”

“Why do you say that?” I asked. I didn’t really feel good seeing him like this. All day he’d stuck by my side and been the perfect companion; funny, witty and quick. The sad expression on his face seemed so strange. It was as if my words had suddenly reminded him about something he didn’t want to remember.

He looked at me when I spoke; and startled as if he’d forgotten I was with him. “Sorry. I… It’s nothing, just um-”

“Hey, it’s alright.” I took his hand in mine. “You don’t have to tell me. But if you want to, I’m here. Okay?”

He nodded and then smiled gratefully and I changed the subject.

“So, tell me about this roommate you have in mind for me…”

His expression cleared immediately and he beamed. A real big smile; Wow, must be some girl. “Hmmm, are you sure you want her to move?” I asked him teasingly and his smile dimmed to a sheepish grin.

“Uh, she wants to move, we didn’t say anything at all.”

“Right. That I believe if your smile was an indication at all. Have you told her?”

He blushed adorably. “Aww, you haven’t!” I cooed.

“Stop it! If she knew, she’d change countries not just houses,” he seemed serious.

“What? You’re not joking? Why would she do that?” I exclaimed. I really couldn’t picture anyone not liking Nic back.

“She kinda hates me… And it may have something to do with various instances in the past where I’d, um, been mean,” he scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment, turning a whole deeper shade of red.

“Oh, so you harassed her because you liked her? Classic boy move, that. My brother does the same and he always ends up not so happy. Guess it’s just not him huh?” I laughed.

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