Chapter Seven

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Before you all proceed with reading I just wanted to say, a ton of thanks to all my supporters and all you wonderful people who have voted, commented and added my book to your library… You are the BEST! Xxxxx <3

Word cannot express how grateful I am to you guysJ

So here is the new chapter, *tada!*

Enjoy! J

(sorry this is not edited)

Song on the side is Crashed by Daughtry-------------------------- > check it out J


Chapter Seven

Ellie’s POV

We hadn’t been driving for long when Reign pulled up and parked on the curb of a fairly occupied street. I knew this place; this was the Harvard Square, I had read about it in the catalogues and books about Harvard and it’s closest to campus attractions.

At the center of the Square is the old Harvard Square Subway Kiosk, which was now a newsstand. In the southwest area of the Square neighborhood, on Mount Auburn St, stands the Igor Fokin Memorial, The offices of Dewey, Cheetham, and Howe.

We got out and Reign smiled and motioned for us to move. We walked around the square looking at everything, Reign was explaining all the stuff to me about the history and changes, and all in all I felt very touristy.

And it felt nice spending time with Reign without outside pressures- Callie- and all the ribbing and the teasing.

“See the sunken region next to the newsstand and the subway entrance there? That is called ‘The Pit’."

“That looks like an arena.” I said, amazed.

“It is like one isn’t it? The arena-like appearance attracts skateboarders. The Harvard sports teams, clubs, and track teams, make use of this place for encouragement in humorous or humiliating performances.” He chuckled, probably in remembrance of said activities.

Next he pointed at a mall-like building that had, ‘The Garage’ in bold letters, “That’s ‘The Garage’ it is named so because it was formerly a parking garage. Most people go in there for the Newbury Comics store. Would you like to go in?”

I looked at him in shock. “You don’t mind going shopping?”

He laughed. “Well, I would rather just like to spend time with you, but if you want to go in, I’ll go.”

“Oh, um,” I blushed, he was being so sweet! “I’d rather just spend time with you too.”

“Well then, come on, there’s one more place I want to show you.”

We got into the car and Reign drove toward the southwest direction. I munched on the chips he’d bought me; he really was being so sweet. I was glad I chose to come with him.

Even when we were walking through the square he would just suddenly take my hand or brush my hair aside and that would cause my heart to go on a rampage. All of this felt so surreal, I didn’t ever want it to end.

We talked about everything, he asked about my family and high school, whether I missed home, my brother. It was felt good; natural sharing everything with Reign. I didn’t feel like I had to edit my thoughts or feelings or words, it was like I’d known him all my life. But the scariest part? I didn’t mind at all.

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