Chapter Seventeen

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Dedicated to tinastrunk for being a faithful reader and voter,

Thank you... :)



Chapter Seventeen




"So?" I gulped nervously.

Why I was so nervous was beyond me. I knew that Reign was a vampire, but as much as that had stumped me, it was this 'date' that had me terrified.

"So, this is the first time, since when you came to my office that we are alone," Reign stated.

"Ya... it was kinda awkward to talk about anything else, over the head of a charred monster."

I immediately regretted my curt reply, when I noticed Reign wince. My nervousness didn't merit Reign any mean jibes. Dang, hanging around Callie was really loosening my tongue!

"Sorry..." I murmured.

"It's okay; I know it is a lot to deal with. You are not at fault, I'm actually grateful that you decided that we were worth the headache," Reign joked trying to lighten the mood.

I smiled at him, appreciatively and asked, "So, where are we going? We've been driving for a long while now, you know?"

Reign's eyes shone at my question, and my eyebrow rose, what exactly was he planning?

"It is a surprise, but before you get anxious, I want you to know, you are going to like it."

"I don't like this 'surprise' element of yours." I stated unsatisfied with his answer, acting like I was unhappy but really just trying to wheedle information out of him.

Reign just smiled in response, and I harrumphed at my failed attempt at charming the truth out of him.

We had met at the cafe right on time, and on Reign’s insistence taken our coffee and the absolutely delicious brownies the cafe sold to-go. And now hours later we were still in his car, most of the ride awkward and tense.

I was really thankful that Reign broke the ice, anymore of the silence would have ended in me having a coronary.

It wasn’t that I didn’t know what to say, but rather how to even begin. All that had happened in the past weeks had me feeling years older rather than just days.

I was so lost in thought that it didn’t strike me that Reign had stopped the car and gotten out, until he opened my door for me and held out a hand.

I took it and looked around at the mystery place. It was a house. Not as big as Reign’s home, but big enough to still be considered a mansion.

The white walls of the house had lush green vines growing up the length of it. The area around the door was surrounded by manicured plants and a grass and dirt path led up to it from where the car was parked. It looked straight out of a fairytale, setting sun adding to the effect.

“Whose house is this?” I questioned, absolutely enchanted.

“Do you like it?” Reign’s voice was soft and he gazed at the house with such warmth in his eyes.

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