Chapter Six

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A/N: Another chapter as promised! *fist pumps*

I am back in my element now, so hopefully no more delays ;)

I really liked writing this chapter and I hope u like reading it too… Picture on the side is Ellie ------------- >


Chapter Six

Ellie’s POV

After I finally made my escape from Callie and the unhelpful Nic I made my way to the café that Nic and I had been to yesterday; and here I was on one of the tables outside appreciating the pleasant weather……boring.

I sipped at the coffee I’d ordered and my mind drifted back to last night… when I’d seen Reign for the first time.


He was simply gorgeous, and the warmth that had spread through me when we’d been staring into each other’s eyes was something I was never gonna forget for as long as I lived.


I was still staring into his gorgeous deep dark chocolate brown eyes, when a coughing fit brought me out of my Reign induced daze.

“Hello, I’m Reign. But you must already know that.” He smiled and stretched his hand out for me to shake, eyes twinkling.

Swoon! Gorgeous.

“Hi. I’m Gabrielle; you can call me Ellie though. It’s nice to finally meet you.” Good. I kept my voice steady, I could do this.

I shook hands with him and the jolt I felt was unprecedented. The world blurred out again and I felt so happy, it was unexplainable! His touch was warm and comforting and everything at once. 

He spoke again, still keeping my hand in his.

“Gabrielle… that is a lovely name; It’s nice to meet you too. So you are friends with Nic and Cal?” I blushed at the compliment.

“Um, I met Nic in class today and we got along well, so you could say we are friends and he told me about Callie wanting to move out. I was looking for a roommate so… jackpot I guess,” I shrugged.

He let go of my hand and smiled looking really happy and turned to Callie. “This one is finally moving out?! Great! You will be sorely missed” He said sarcastically.

“Yeah, I can see you shedding bucket full of tears already.” Till she spoke I’d completely forgotten that Callie and Nic were here with us and I turned to see that Callie was glaring at Reign while Nic smirking at me. I narrowed my eyes at him, but he just kept making weird faces at me.

“You like Nic?” This was said my Reign, and I turned to look at him in shock. His voice seemed a bit terse when he asked the question.

What was it everyone asking me if I liked Nic?!

“Um, no- I mean yes, but just a friend okay, he’s just a friend.”

“You sure?” He was looking intently at me now and I felt my heartbeat pick up at his focus. I flushed and just stared at him, getting lost in his deep beautiful eyes. It seemed like he forgot about the others too as he stared back just as intently.

“Uh-Hmm” Callie’s not so subtle interruption was what made me break my gaze. I knew I was tomato red now and I could practically feel the blood coursing through my body from the accelerated heartbeats. I looked at everything but the people I was with.

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