Chapter Ten

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A/N: Here’s the next chapter *dun dun dun*: D

The cover to the side is made by @bsilda, it shows Callie, Ellie and Aiden :)

Song at the right is  Dark Side by Kelly Clarkson I think it shows how Reign must feel in this chapter ---------------------- >

Enjoy, J




Chapter 10


Ellie’s POV

I opened my mouth and closed it again, repeating this a few times, like a fish. What do you say to a person that you liked and then scared the hell outta you, because I had absolutely no clue!

I understood why he did what he did, but it didn’t really change what I saw and unless I got past that- if ever- there wasn’t much to say.

I needed time and space to get myself together and actually take in all the things Nic and Callie had told me and there was no way I had enough in me right now to survive a talk with Reign too.

And so, I said, “I need to go home.”

I didn’t look to Reign but at the fireplace in the room, and boy, the flames were really interesting. Hahaha, I laughed sarcastically in my mind, if there ever was an awkward moment now was it.

No one said anything and I finally peeked a look at Nic, not having the guts to look to Callie – I could feel her hate waves crashing at me – and once again he looked like I’d killed his favourite puppy. My heart sank and eyes filled with tears, was it too much to want some time?

It was Reign that spoke breaking the heavy silence, “That’s okay…um, Nic can take you home. We could always talk later, you must be tired and scared and we dumped all of this on you, it’s understandable that you want to go home and sleep it off and maybe when you feel better and more ready we could discuss this more, if you want to that is, unless you don’t want to see me again… like ever again… I understand that too, but-”

Callie cut him off and I was thankful, the more he rambled on the more bad I felt. “Your age is showing Reign, stop rambling, I’m sure Gabrielle is a very understanding person.”

Her tone was biting and though the words themselves were not bad per se her meaning was very clear. She was angry and hurt and felt that I was rejecting them.

“Callie I-”

“Save it Ellie. We told you everything and what do you do? You don’t give us a chance. Do you know what it means for you to know all this? You think we go around telling just anyone the story of our lives?! Do you have any idea the amount of trust we put in you? I should have known, but no… I actually thought you were our friend…” She left the room with that, sweeping out her back straight and not looking at me.

“Cal…” I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Nic holding me back.

“It’s okay El, Callie is… she’ll cool down in a bit, and she’ll feel bad and then make a poor attempt at an apology. Don’t worry much about what she said, okay?” He gave me a concerned look.

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