Chapter Sixteen

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Dedicated to the wonderful JillyBean30.... You roused me out of my pity-party.

Thank you. <3




Chapter Sixteen




There are some moments in life where you feel like anything you do is going to end up truly ugly. This was one such moment.

I was gravely contemplating killing the little pest!

I took a deep breath and then held it in for a while before letting it out in one big gust.

“Care to repeat that?” was all I managed, in response to Callie’s blasé admittance to breaching my secret den. It seemed like I couldn’t stress how secret it was supposed to be.

How did this happen?

I’m Reign Masters, I take down freaking rogues! I was a top contender for Order membership! People quivered at my feet (not literally, but you get the idea) and I didn’t notice a stupid little pest like Callie getting her paws on my work?

If there ever was an ego deflator, here it lay in plain sight. See those shattered pieces lying on the ground? That’s my reputation right there.

Let me rewind back to my very perfect morning, before Callie- ‘the pest’ as she is most popularly known- decided that it was not to be.

After last night’s draining activities, I’d gone out hunting and then finally to bed. Thus, the person waking me up at the ungodly hour of six-o-five in the morning was purely begging for trouble.

But then I had opened the door and forgotten all about my plan for pulverising the miscreant when greeted by the sweet, smiling face of Ellie.

I thought she had come by to talk, since we hadn’t really spoken much after the park disaster. BUT the pest had to bring that dream crashing down too.

So, excuse my French, when I nearly growl and reiterate my question, “Would you fucking care to repeat that!”

“Uh... I broke into your secret den,” at least this time she didn’t sound too confident, but her stressing on the word ‘secret’ got my hackles up.

“California...” I whispered in the most sinister voice and then, “You fucking broke into my den and you’re mocking me? Do you have a death wish you little pest!” I roared I could feel my face getting hot and the glass panes in the windows vibrated with the force of my fury.

Callie noticeable paled but the stubborn-ass that she is, she merely shrugged though I saw a small shiver go through her, “Oh don’t be so melodramatic Reign, I peeked a little so what, I just made you’re work easier for you, now you don’t have to bother figuring out how to tell me about all of it. I saved you time.”

She further had the gall to question, “you were going to tell me right? Right?”

Now that was the last straw. The effin bloody pest! “That. Is. Beyond. The. Point! What we need to focus on here is your lack of remorse over breaking into my den and reading the fucking notes! Give me one good reason why I should even consider letting you work with us, after a stunt like this?”

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