Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: So sorry for the delay... :'(  When I read the comments asking me to update I felt so bad about not having done it sooner...  just so sorry...

I really did try though, but work has been so hectic and I lost internet connection...  hope you guys forgive me.  Hope my begging has had some effect?? (..^~^..)

Enjoy this chapter and I’m uploading the next tomorrow.

It’s my sorry plea and a thank you gift for all the support, votes and comments combined. Please continue to do so... I love ALL of you! Thank YOU <3

Waffles & Cookies for u all!  #< (^. ^)>@          *imagine that there are enough in my puny hands for the whole lot of us*

~ Joss <3 <3


Chapter Fifteen


They moved as one entity, walking in pairs. Henry was at the front along with Ezra followed by Noah and Jeremiah.

The Order.

All of them together, it looked like I was getting my wish, plus more.

Sigh. I just hope that this day didn’t get any worse.

I glanced once at Nic and signalled him to be quiet; he frowned for a bit before raising his head in acquiescence. Unspoken both of us began walking toward the Order, coming to a halt when we met them.

“Reignington.” I stiffened and looked straight into the eyes of the person that had uttered my name.

Nic barely stopped himself from laughing, which was good for him; because I’d have torn him a new one if he’d given into the temptation to be a party to the obdurate I called Henry.

When would the stiff arse stop calling me by that name for love of blood! I glared at him, making no bones about my feelings on his choice greetings.

“Henry, give him a break. That name is horrible.” It was Ezra who spoke now, and I turned to look at him, grudgingly dipping my head in a respectful nod.

Even though at most opportunities it was Henry that I locked horns with, surprisingly or unsurprisingly Ezra was the one from the order that I hated from the bottom of my heart.

He was a travesty. Call it gut feeling or instincts, but I just knew that one day he was going to be revealed for the rotten egg he truly is. And no it had nothing to do with the fact that he had been my neck and neck competitor to be included in the Order.

As I turned back to stare at Henry I noticed that Jeremiah and Noah had placed themselves on either side of him. I nodded respectfully at them as well before turning back to Henry, sure that he was the spokesperson today.

Nic the cleaver boy that he is was so far silent beside me.

“You believe me now?” I was smug. Though the circumstances were brutal, they had still served to vindicate me and that made me nothing less than happy.

“It is yet to be ascertained, Reignington... I won’t deny your, err, claims anymore, but the consequences are high and could potentially disrupt a whole plan of action, you will forgive us if we want to make sure of things with our own eyes.”

“Not that we don’t believe you, Reign, but you do know Henry and his paperwork,” Ezra shrugged as he thought the inspection was a waste.

I shrugged, outwardly trying my best to appear uncaring, but inside I was strung high. What more proof did they want?!

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