Chapter Five

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A/N: I know, this took long and I am sorry…. I was having a hard time writing it.

It is not edited so please forgive the errors; I will look into them at a later date.

I’m not still convinced about the chapter but a promise is a promise, so here it is.

Enjoy! J

BTW: Notice the new cover, a big thank u to bsilda for it.... xoxoxo, she is the best! Check out her work-books, covers n all<3

The pic on the side is Reign--------------------------------------- > (again *ducks behind a missile proof wall* Idont knw his name! If anyone does, let me know)


Chapter Five

Ellie’s POV

“So…” We were on our way to class and Callie was skipping next to me, what had her all excited?

“So?” I asked.

“So. You like Reign.” I choked on the coffee I had been sipping. She patted my back helpfully.

“Wh…What are You talking about?” She said it as a statement, not a question; a statement!

“We saw the way you were ogling him. And judging from the way he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. I’m guessing he likes you back.” She was smiling, still skipping.

“And you know this because…?”

“Come on! Its Reign we’re talking about. He doesn’t care about hu- about girls. Never has, and I thought never would. But apparently- according to Nic, he couldn’t stop asking about you, wanting to know everythin.” She wiggled her eyebrows at me, very creepy. “You my friend are perfect! Nic was right I don’t know what I was stressing about.”

I did, I wanted to retort, but kept it in. If I said anything she’d only find new ways of torture. Nic was right, Callie was kinda like the mad hatter, you didn’t know which way her thoughts would turn.

“Thanks for waiting up, Cal.” Nic said sarcastically.

“You’re welcome.” She did a little bow and then a pirouette. Nic and I both stared. “What?”

“Um, why are you so happy?”

“No reason. Just am, is there something on my face? Stop staring. Nic tell her to stop staring!”

“Ellie stop staring.” Nic wasn’t even looking at us, he was busy texting someone on his phone.

I walked a bit faster to class, Callie and Nic following behind. I peeked back at them to see them whispering among themselves. Huh. Cute.

We walked into class and settled into our seats, Callie and Nic on either sides of me. Callie was narrating the story of how Nic had had to run naked on the streets on a dare yelling that he was gay, and got arrested for public indecency! I was in splits what with the way Callie was talking actions and all and with Nic trying and failing to stop Callie from describing every little detail.

“Wow. I’ve never been a game of truth and dare where someone had to go naked and got arrested and sent to jail where he got groped!”

“I was not groped! That is a lie! Callie, tell her you lied!” Nic was yelling, exasperated Callie wasn’t retracting her statement and I was playing along.

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