Part 2: The Big Party

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~ It was April 30, 8 am. In the last few weeks, Dru managed to turn his green locks back to his normal beautiful blonde and Lucy continued to fight nausea, though it was less profuse now. They had also been to a gynecologist to see if everything was alright and Dr. Nefario found out about the pregnancy. At work, things were very quiet, there were few villains, so they shouldn't work too much. Gru and Lucy were sleeping peacefully, until suddenly...~

- Agnes: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!! - She said as she jumped on the bed of the two of them-

- Oh, happy birthday! - Gru and Lucy exclaimed as they gave her a big hug -

- Agnes: I'm very nervous... can we have breakfast now? So the party can be earlier! -She said in a very cheerful tone.-

- Gru: It's 8 am... maybe at 9? But don't worry, the party will not stop being amazing!

- Agnes: Okay! -She said as she went back to her room-

~ Gru and Lucy continued to sleep peacefully. Agnes, as if she knew the time, woke them up again at 9 am, but this time, followed by that, they went for breakfast. Gru was preparing some delicious unicorn-shaped pancakes for this special day, Lucy and Agnes went to wake up the other girls and Dru. Once they had breakfast, Lucy and Gru went to the garden and with the help of some minions, they set up the inflatable castles, the mini-attractions and a large table full of sweets and snacks. Meanwhile, Dru entertained the girls in the lab.
Once the guests arrived, Gru made a call to Dru, indicating that the girls can come now. Dru, taking Agnes on the back of his head, went to the door that led to the garden and that's where the 4 of them found a big party.

"Surprise! Happy birthday" exclaimed all the guests including Gru and Lucy. Agnes's eyes shone, especially when she saw a huge table full of gifts just for her and appreciated the great party they had thrown for her. Everyone started to celebrate, although Gru was a bit absent. What they didn't know, is that this party was a cover for another big party... ~

- Jillian: HEEEYYYYYYYY GRUU! How is my favorite bald? -She said between laughs-

Gru: Oh, Jillian. Please don't call me bald. - He said frowning. -

- Jillian: Don't worry hehehe, I'm looking for your brother. I found out that he is single, he doesn't want me to find him a girlfriend?

- Gru: Oh no, poor thing...

- Jillian: DRUuuuuuuuu!!

- Dru: And who are you?

-Gru: This is Jillian .. it's hell, she was looking for a girlfriend for me before meeting Lucy for a long time. - He said a little annoyed -

- Dru: You say... he's going to find me a girlfriend?

- Gru: No idea, I'm going with Lucy. He says as he walks up to her.

- Jillian: Dru, I have a list of 30 single women, tell me, what horoscope are you?

- Dru: .... - Looking overwhelmed at Gru -

~ Lucy was with the children doing a magic show with Edith. A hidden talent of Lucy was magic, since she was little, she was always interested in the magicians she saw on TV and she decided to learn some tricks. ~

- Lucy: Abracadabra! -She said as she took a stuffed rabbit out of her hat-

- Bravo!! - exclaimed all the children -

- Gru: Wow, I see that the children are very interested in your tricks.

- Agnes: Lucy is the best magician in the world!!

Gru: Right!

- Lucy: Are you going to prepare the food?

-Gru: Yes, Dru told me that he is going to prepare chicken here at the barbecue, I have to go get the cake, it will take me a while to upload it ..

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