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OK SO UH SORRY IN ADVANCED IF I WRITE ANYTHING WRONG AB TRANS PEOPLE 😭 I don't watch them a lot and I'm not around any irl but like I just wanna write a little thing 🙏

Correct me on anything and please tell me more about the trans community because like, learning is good😍😍😍 if it's not math that is, math can go somewhere far away

Oh yeah and this is short 🙏


Stu choked back a few tears as he looked at himself in the mirror. His long blond hair covering his face slightly but not enough to completely discard his vision into darkness. He then faced his attention to the scissors in his hand, taunting him with their presence, seeing if he'd actually do it.

Do what you may ask? Cut his hair. With the long hair Stu looked like a girl. Something he definitely wasn't. From a very young age, about 4, he just knew he didn't like the stuff girls were supposed to like. He liked getting dirty and playing with bugs. He liked the games boys played and he didn't like being a cheerleader when he was in high school. He even was taller than all of the girls and most boys.

The only reason he joined that stupid team was because to calm his parents nerve. They never showed up to his games though so what was the point? That's why he quit at the end of the year.

But enough about the stupid past. It was a new year and Stu skipped the first week but knew he had to come back tomorrow. Monday, sadly. And most importantly school. No more skipping, no more staying at home fearing what will happen but now he knew exactly what he was going to do. He would just say he's new. Stuart Macher, the forgotten twin brother of Margret Macher and brother of Leslie Macher.

Sure he'd probably get a few questions where his "sister" Margret was but he'd just say.... She's dead.
Forever. She won't come back ever. Not for anyone or anything. And yeah, he'd have to tell his parents about this information but they already hated him so it wouldn't make much of a difference.

Stu looked up from the scissors to his reflection, furrowing his eyebrows as he spoke, "goodbye bitch." Before cutting his hair almost to the root but not quite.

His bangs were now gone along with 90% of his other hair that was now on the floor. He shook his head for a second and looked back up, smiling while tears still streamed down his face. Margret Macher was now finally dead. After all this time, she was dead. Now only two of the siblings are alive but that was fine with Stu.

Stu quickly stripped his clothing items off and got in the shower to wash the stupid annoying, scariest hair ever off. He'd clean up the other hair off the ground later. He just had to see what it was like to be himself. He had been meaning to buy this new horror movie that came out so this was the perfect time to actually be a boy. Margret had bought countless of movies but now it was Stu's turn.


"Hello and welcome, do you need any help sir?" Some boy in a green shirt and brown pants said, looking like he had just got up out of bed.

Stu stood for a second, just smiling as he heard the 'sir' come out of the boys mouth. It sounded right. It sounded amazing to Stu. Something so small just sent his stomach in a whirl. A good one.

"O-oh- uh yeah me! Uhm, yeah do you know where [insert horror move] is?" He said, looking around to see if anyone was staring at him. No one. He took a deep sigh and stood up a little more confidently since he'd been hunching a little.

"Oh that? It's over there where that short ass boy is." The brunette snickered, causing said boy to look up.

Green shirt male waved and made a face which caused the other brunette to roll his eyes and hold up a middle finger. Stu laughed a little but quickly shut up. The boy beside him smiled and turned to him, "hey, before you go what's your name? We could be friends if you what, I've never seen you around here." He said, leaning on a rack beside him.

Stu smiled at this and nodded, "oh sure! My name's uh.. Stuart. Stuart Macher. But just call me Stu."
The blond boy spoke, shoving his hands in his pockets as he desperately waited for the worker to answer back,

"The names Randy, Randy Meeks. Over there is Billy, that bitch." Randy rolled his eyes as the boy now known as Billy continued staring at the movies.

"So he likes horror movies too?" Stu said, looking over to Billy, "yeah and he thinks he knows more than me. And- hey where are ya goin'?" The brunette expressed, watching as Stu just hummed and walked over to Billy, seeming to take a liking to him.

"Gays." Was all Randy snickered before helping another costumer.

"Hey." Stu simply said, waving his hand for a second before bringing it down. Billy looked over, "hey. Do you need something?" Billy asked, setting a tape back down that he was holding before Stu showed up.

"Oh uh not really I just- you're friend Randy said the new movie was over here so yeah. And I just wanted to be friends I guess. Im new in town." Billy looked him over and shrugged, "sure. It'd be better than listening to his crazy ass everyday. All these literally impossible theories that will never happen."

Stu chuckled and nodded, grabbing the new movie excitedly, looking over it as if it was the rarest thing he'd ever seen in his life.

"Well, I have to go and watch this now but it was nice meeting you Billy." Stu smiled but before he could leave to pay Billy placed a hand on his shoulder, "how about we see this thing together? I haven't seen it yet and Randy said it sucked but his taste is ass so that means it's good." Billy offered. Stu thought for a few seconds, looking at the tape then at Billy with another smile,


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