Children will listen

219 3 27

> The future Caswell generation

Ashlyn- Did you hear the tea?

Big Red- Tea? You can't hear tea?

Ricky- No Red, it means she has something to tell us

E.J- Is it what my dad is yelling about downstairs? Something about firing?

Big Red- FIRING?!

Ricky- Who got fired?

Ashlyn- Apparently, it was a worker at my parent's business

Big Red- Why though?

Ricky- Was it a sex scandal 😏

E.J- I-

E.J- No babe

Ricky- Then... a cheating scandal

Big Red- Why can I envision it already ☺️

E.J- The unknown worker was caught putting his long limo in... her paperwork 😏

Ashlyn- Okay one, you guys are gross

Ashlyn- And two, it isn't that either


E.J- Ricky sweetie, don't yell at my cousin

E.J- Because that is my job 🥰 You get the benefits for when we get married

Big Red- Which is ✨never✨

Ricky- Don't bully my man Red 😡

Big Red- Or what? You going to throw a pizza plate at me?

E.J- Make that two people ☺️

Ricky- We are rebelling against you 😏

Ashlyn- Do you guys still want my tea? Or do you both need a room instead?

Big Red- Please get them a room, the sexual tension is almost exhausting 🥰

Ricky- I-

E.J- Just give us the tea instead

Ashlyn- Finally!

Gina- Holy shit, what did I miss?

Big Red- ✨The sexual tension between Ricky and E.J✨

Gina- This whole chat is their sexual tension

Big Red- Oh yeah!


Big Red- Go ahead...

E.J- I'm listening

Ricky- Same here

Ashlyn- So apparently, the person they fired was caught stealing!

Big Red- ...

Ricky- ...

Gina- ...

E.J- Is that seriously it?

Ricky- That was uneventful

Gina- I thought someone got kidnapped and they were responsible for it

Big Red- Gina, this isn't a soap opera

E.J- It should be 😒

Ricky- Let's make our own soap opera!

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