A story with no end

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Location: English (1st period with Mr. Leo)

"Okay class is ending in just a few minutes, just place the essays I assigned on my table now."

As Big Red grabbed his essay from his folder, he felt his phone buzz in his pocket.

> Kourtney 💅

Kourtney- Something is so wrong right now

He was confused at the message. He had been feeling a weird vibe today, but was Kourtney now sensing it? And what did she mean by right now?

Big Red- I'm sorry?

"Big Red?" Mr. Leo called up from the front of the room. "Your essay?"

"Oh yeah," he quickly raced up to his desk and placed the paper down.

When he made it back to his desk, he quickly got his phone out again.

Big Red- Kourt?

Kourtney- Meet us in the library, you do have next period free right?

Big Red- Same as you

Kourtney- Great! Please hurry

Ring, ring

"Alright, head off to your next class now!"

He had never rushed out of class so fast before, he felt like he was flying almost. As he turned the corner, he never seemed to notice that feeling and how his hairs stood up at the back of his neck.

It was quite chilly today; it was probably just mixed in with his paranoia.


Location: Library

The thief in renewable energy companies

What was typed into that search bar creeped Kourtney out. She could never believe that Carlos would ever search that up, but it seemed like he had with confirmation from Ricky.

Oh yeah, Ricky had also ditched class with Carlos. She got that confirmation from the librarian and the sight pretty much.

She didn't get to speak to Carlos, as Seb took him out minutes after they arrived since he looked distressed. She understood and admired his sweetness, he just seemed to care so much for Carlos.

Would Howie ever do the same for her?

Now she sat next to Ricky, who was glaring at the computer with dismay.

"I just don't get it."

Huh? What did he mean by that?

"Excuse me?"

He faced her this time; she took notice of how distressed he seemed.

"What Carlos said before you and Seb came..."

"What was that?"

He paused for a spilt second to collect the remnants of his thoughts. "Websites, something about them proving that he wasn't crazy."

"I'm not fully updated on this, what do you mean?"

"Oh God, where do I start?"

"Wherever the start is? If there even is one..."

Ricky paused again so that he could find everything he wanted to say, and where to actually start this crazy story.

"Someone in Ashlyn's parent's business got fired, which doesn't seem like a big deal correct?"

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