Blood in the water

59 2 7

Location: unknown

"Get in here!" He was forcibly pushed into a dark room, where the only light present reflected on a bed with no other furniture. The nails of his captor dug deeply into his wrists as he was forcibly pushed to the ground, where his wrists were yanked harshly behind his back and held there for a bit.

"Please don't-"

"Shut up!" The pressure on his wrists was lightened for a short bit, until he felt something restrain them together with a simple zip of a cord. "That ought to keep you nice and tight," he heard the captor mutter under their breath as he was roughly turned onto his back, meeting the piercing hazel eyes of the person.

He wanted to scream and fight the person, but his voice felt just as restricted as his wrists were. He flinched in discomfort as the captor traced their fingers around his cheeks, frightening his poor soul with the thoughts that he never wanted to have.

"Please don't..."

"Don't what?" They inched their face closer to his, making him shut his eyes tightly to avoid meeting theirs.

"Don't hurt me... I never did anything to deserve this..."

"You did!" He felt their nails dig deeply into his cheeks, stretching his eyelids. "Why don't you say my name? Say my name you bastard!"

"No! Let me go!"

"Fine, you asked for it."

Asked for what? He couldn't put a finger on it, but the little hairs on the back of his neck could, and it wasn't good one bit just from how tall they stood. He watched as the person grabbed out their phone, turning to a picture of... Ashlyn.

How did they have a picture of her?

"You know it's your fault that she had to jump out a window four days ago?"

What? No, it wasn't! They were trying to get under his skin by blaming him, he had to fight back.

He opened his eyes, which were now burning in fury. "What? I was at home asleep! Like you should have been, but you went off and burned down the home that she loved! How could you do that to her and her family!"

"Well, they deserved it! Those bastards are the reason why I lost my job! I'm innocent unlike them!"

"Innocent? You stole from their company! You have a lengthy criminal record that you lied about! You are a prick!"

"Prick you say? Well, I wouldn't be talking if I were you."

"What do you even mean by that?" He said, his gut and heart were fearing the worst at that point.

"Well," they began to scratch their fingers down his neck, leaving burning red lines as their nails dug into their skin. "You tend to go around and label people you don't like those nasty words, even the people who worked so hard for you and definitely cared about you."

Oh no.

For the fucking sanity of his mental health, please do not let them bring him up.



An evil grin curled onto their face. "Was your father really a prick? Or were you so caught up with what happened that you made yourself believe he was?"

"Stop it!"

"Am I hurting your feelings? I'm glad I am, I think your father would be so proud that he would give you no love."

"Shut up!"

"Or are you too much of a prick to realise that you deserved every single one of those bruises? Just like how the Caswell's deserve to be homeless! Like how you and that bitch should be dead!"

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