A safe haven isn't really safe

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TW: House fires

A few minutes before

Location: Ashlyn's house

A flash of headlights lit up the front of the house, showing whatever was left of the graffiti. They were able to get off most of the nasty display, only the bright colours were left with no sign of the words.

"Filthy Caswell's!" They pounded their hands onto the steering wheel, anger filled their body as they stepped outside, a nightly breeze accompanying them.

They took a pack of cigarettes from their pocket and ignited one with a quick flicker of the flame. They were meant to quit ages ago, but who was going to stop them? Their mother and father were dead, so was the girlfriend who moved away years ago.

So, who was going to stop them? Their moral compass was certainly telling them to do something bad.

"Wait..." Their eyes were caught at the bedroom window, they knew it was the room of Dennis and Debbie, who were sound asleep at this hour.

A burning cigarette in their hand, and they just happened to be a great thrower.

"Last midnight.... time to pay your debts!"

With a quick flick from their hand, the cigarette didn't land directly at the window, but fell into the bushes underneath. They frowned for a second, they were really hoping that it would land in the room (they were stupid enough to leave their window slightly open).

"Dammit!" They stamped their foot in anger, they didn't seem to realise how the flames were slowly beginning to spread. "I want those bastards dead now-"


A fire can spread quickly, right?

A smile curled on their face as they looked to the house, flames were already beginning to spread onto the house, where an unsuspecting family slept. Losing their house would surely teach them a lesson, whether they liked it or not.

"Have fun, bastards."

And in the click of a minute, they were gone once more. This time however, they left a surprise that would surely do more damage than the last attack.


Location: Ashlyn's room

She was sound asleep; her dreams captivated her mind as she snuggled warmly under her sheets. She didn't care to wonder about someone destroying her safe haven, until she smelt something unfamiliar enter her dreams. It smelt like burning ash from a campfire, but there was no campfire in her dream? A tinge of fear shivered her subconscious, something was wrong.


Gina? Why was she here?

"Ash! Wake up!"

She felt vibrations shake her dreamworld, drifting her away from the safety of her mind, and bringing her into reality once more. And God, how much she wished she was dreaming once more when she snapped back into reality.


"Ash! Get up! The house-"

"What Gina!" She was frustrated in that moment; she didn't even seem to register the thick smoke growing in the room.

"The house! I think it's on fire!"

That was when she finally registered the smoke that was intensely growing by the second.

That wasn't fresh air, it was that burning ash that had been in her dream.

Oh shit.

She quickly sprung out of the bed and ran to the door, hoping that the fire hadn't spread to the point where her door was too hot to open.

Last midnightUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum