Killer instinct

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Location: EJ's house

Missed call- Biggie 🥰

How much she wished to hear his sweet voice again, it would make her feel some normalcy once more. She was in a house she didn't live in, in a room that wasn't hers, and getting tended to by her family members (which was sweet in some weird way?).

"Guess who made you guys green tea?" EJ interrupted the silence that she was just getting used to hearing. "And I brought you both some blueberries!"

"Strange snack." Gina commented.

"Well, nurse EJ over here has been looking up natural ways to cleanse your lungs, also getting some tips from Ricky."

As he set the tea and blueberries down on their bedside tables, he could only notice the dull frown on Ashlyn's face.

"Something wrong Ash?"

"It's nothing-"

"Big Red isn't responding," Gina cut her off to express the truth. "He has gone silent."

"How did you-"

"I can see your screen, Ash."

EJ gave her a look and put the phone down, much to the protests of Ashlyn.


"Ashlyn, he'll call back. He's probably busy right now-"

"How are you so sure? What if something happened to him? I can't risk losing him!"

"Ashlyn!" He clutched her hand in an effort to calm her down. "It's going to be alright! Look, I'll call him after we finish dinner, alright?"

Ashlyn tilted her head to the side, watching the sunset outside. "I guess so."

"Great!" He began to leave. "I'm going to help finish up dinner, I'll be back in a bit!"

As he left however, Ashlyn couldn't get her mind off him. He always answered her calls, so what was different about today? She was fearing the worst, and she didn't want to at all.

He better answer after dinner.

If he doesn't, then her fears will come true.


Location: Seb's room

So many thoughts were racing through his mind at once. He was curled up under his sheets, typing away like a madman on his laptop, trying to find the final piece to this disastrous puzzle.

"Come on! Why can't you just load!" He slammed his sore hands on his keyboard, desperate tears began to well in his eyes as he watched the spinning wheel of death swirl on his screen. He hated this, he felt like puking up all this internal pain that was placed on him.

Why was life so difficult? And why couldn't his fucking laptop load the website!

Seb was not someone who got angry easily, but in these types of moments? He was a devil.

Safari couldn't establish a secure connection to the server


"Seb?" The sheets were pulled off his head, revealing his mother. "I've been calling you for dinner for the past five minutes! What is going on with you, my love?"

He quickly slammed his laptop shut. "Nothing! I'm just doing research for a school project!"

"Really now? I've never seen you this dedicated to a school project, usually you get distracted by Carlos!"

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