Intermission: Thorns of fear

70 2 13

TW: References to past abuse, ED's

Time skip: 9:15pm

Location: Ashlyn's bedroom


Dear diary,

How do you exactly describe what has currently? I can tell you that my house has been vandalised, Carlos has been acting funny according to Seb and Ricky, and some guy over the phone told me that hellfire will commence on the last midnight of this month.

Oh yeah, what even is the last midnight supposed to mean? I know it from into the woods (heck, I'm even playing the Baker's wife right now!) but what does it mean. Could it be that they are a fan of the musical? But still, at least midnights were important for the character of the witch.

What even is the meaning of all this? I did nothing, I have no control over what my parents do in their business. Why would they hurt us over something so... I can't even say minor because getting fired isn't exactly small, it is quite big and can put a lot of people in horrible situations (which is why I'm blessed to have such a great lifestyle).

But why is Carlos acting so strange as well? Ricky mentioned he looked so panicked today, Kourtney brought up something about thieves in renewable energy companies (strange, I know), and Seb... he didn't speak one bit. I kept catching strange looks from Seb, it was like his eyes were screaming for my attention, but he couldn't grab it because of something in the way... do you know what that could mean diary? He has never acted like this before.

In fact, it feels like everyone is a bit on edge. Big Red was holding me closer than usual and constantly saying he will cherish and protect me, EJ was not letting Ricky out of his sight and kept him close as well, Kourtney was constantly checking in on everyone, Gina was trying to focus on scrubbing the graffiti yet I saw her keeping an eye around the area, and Seb was trying to be calm but I could see he was on the verge of breaking down.

This all feels like a crazy dream, one that I can't pinch myself awake from. It is one that feels like a movie that will never end, even though the audience sits impatiently in their seats waiting for those final credits to roll. Is my life going to be on display one day for a movie? Or will it be used as a stupid soap opera storyline instead?

I don't know-


Ring, ring

She put down her diary and pen to grab her phone from her desk. Her heart prayed for the contact to be familiar, but it was listed as private number once more.

Fucking private number. That bastard loved to hide behind the anonymous ones, aware of the pain they caused for the visible ones.

She should have turned down the number, but her mind spoke to her and pressed accept once more.



"Last midnight is approaching, and you don't even know what's coming to you... Ashlyn."

She could feel the ice freezing her bones as soon as his wicked words struck her heart. How did they know her name? Who even was this person?

"How do you know my name?"

A wicked giggle came from the other end.

"Don't worry about that Ashlyn, just worry about the people around. Afterall, you don't want to see the mutilated corpse of Big Red in a dumpster, or even EJ-"

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