Giants in the sky

45 2 8

TW: References to past molestation, flashbacks to abuse

"A weak bastard you are! When are you going to grow up and learn to be a man!"

"George! Leave him alone!"

"Stay out of this bitch!"


"No! Leave him alone!" His mother was clutching her face in agonising pain, glaring at his trembling figure in fear. "George please!"

"Fuck off!"

He could feel his hot breaths burn his senses as he was backed against the wall. His eyes were shut tightly in fear, all he could think about was what this monster of a man could do.

"You really think you will ever be brave?"


"Look, I have a problem and need your help alright?" He broke out of his nightmare to the voice of Jack, which brought him back to the familiar stuffiness of his prison. His words intrigued Big Red as he pushed his ear closer to the paper-thin closet door.

"Isn't this problem a young boy? Just let him go Jack, he isn't going to run his mouth-"

"You know who that little bastard is?" Big Red rolled his eyes in displeasure, is that all he could come up with to describe him?

"I know who, but I really don't think killing him is going to solve anything."

What? He felt bile rising up in his throat, were they actually going to kill him?

"I have nothing left to lose Lucinda."

"So, killing him is what you come up with? Why don't you just threaten him, knock him out and dump him near his home? That would be enough to scare him-"

"That is not the point!" Big Red practically jumped at the shouting, causing him to bang his back into the rack of clothes. How much he wished to have the support of his hands.

"Then what is the point? Dig yourself into an even deeper hole? You already burned down their house! What point will come in killing him?"

There was silence for a few seconds, until Big Red heard Jack's voice rise again.

"Haven't you forgotten? He knows my name, address, and everything I had done prior to this. He knows about my history with that boy from my previous job, and what I did to make sure I had enough information on everyone. I thought you were my closest friend Lucinda, you even helped with giving me the address to their house-"

"I know that!" She shouted. "I just think we should turn back now, you already let them face the pain with burning down their house, why should you hurt more?"

There was silence once again, until Jack responded again.

"Are you saying that you are a pussy now? A weak bitch?"

"No! I'm just saying that maybe you need to stop this! You caused so much damage to their daughter and her friend, who aren't even apart of this!"

"So, you want to turn me in now?"

He heard silence once again, he was starting to hate it.

"I don't want to do that as you are my best friend, but..."

"What?" He could hear the pounding of footsteps smash against the floorboards, making Big Red's heart sink deep into the depths of his insides.

"I feel guilty."


He hoped that single word would change Jack's mind on what he was doing, which would make him untie Big Red and let him go home. He hoped that Jack would just march down to the station, where he could confess about everything he had done, allowing for an ever after to finally happen for the people he destroyed.

His hopes were high like the giants in the sky, but they soon came crashing down like the beanstalk at the nearing end of act one.


The floorboards rattled as a force dropped to the ground, it was so violent to the point where the clothes began to fall. His tears began to well up as the realisation set in: the only person on his side was gone, making him all alone once more.

"And I thought you were my friend." His haunting words flew around his dungeon, making his prisoner shiver in fear as he tended to the body.

Streaks of tears began to pour down his face as the words of that person replayed in his mind, their soul was tormenting him even though he didn't do anything. Was it because he didn't do anything? Because he didn't break free of his restraints and run? He felt like a cruel idiot, no wonder why Jack wanted him dead.

As the taunts of death played in his mind once more, he didn't seem to register the footsteps come closer to the closet.

"Big Red?" A fatal knock tapped the door, accompanied by that voice.

He didn't respond, mainly because of the tape on his mouth. What could Jack expect? He couldn't just open his mouth and start singing a medley of showtunes.

"Oh yeah, you can't speak, can you?" He took pleasure in his silence, sickening him in his weak bones. "I'm stepping outside of the house to take care of a few things, just relax and I'll be back alright?"

Relax? He was really this chill about slaughtering him? Well, he was pretty chill about burning down Ashlyn's house, and doing what he did to Carlos and his family. But that didn't justify murder, or all the cruel things he did in the past and present.

As the footsteps walked away, Big Red could only sigh and adjust his tired arms, these zip ties were really starting to piss him off. If only he could break free, then he would prove that he was brave.


An idea popped into his mind as he fiddled with whatever movement he felt in his wrists, coming to a conclusion that his restraints were weakening slightly the more he moved. His heart was warming up with joy, he was so close to reaching freedom.

All he had to do was break free.

He was brave enough, right?


Location: outside of Jack's house

The property was huge, who knew someone this bad could live so good? But all of them knew that a good house did not guarantee a good person. As EJ, Gina, Ricky and Ashlyn stepped out, they all gave each a strange look.

"Are you sure you can fight?" EJ asked Gina and Ashlyn, both just shrugged and held tightly onto their crutches.

"With these bad boys? Anything is possible cousin."

He shrugged himself. "Whatever you say."

In the car, Seb held onto Carlos's hand and caressed it gently.

"You don't have to see him baby, they'll kill him for you."

Carlos kept his glare on the four as they approached the unlocked house, his heart sunk further as each entered in with ease.

"They better, or I'll take down the bastard myself."

Seb knew what kept him on edge about Jack Stockwell now, it even broke his sweet heart knowing that someone could do that to Carlos. If Jack somehow managed to escape, then he would personally be on his own manhunt for him.  

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