I care about you

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TW: Discussion of abuse and ED's 

The next day

Time: 7:55am

Location: the school courtyard

She swung her legs freely on the bench, her eyes were trapped in the latest book that she picked off her shelf. She had gotten to school much earlier by asking EJ to take her, which was a surprise to him as she usually got a ride from Big Red in the morning, and he would also drop her off back home as well.

So, what was so different about today? Nothing really, she just needed some time to process that phone call, and the words said about Big Red and Seb.

God, she even shivered at the mere thought.

They sounded so casual to mention Big Red's abuse from the man who she will never call his father, or even the possibility of Seb having an eating disorder.

And yeah, she planned on asking Seb about that.

"Hey Ash!" She heard someone call her, she looked up and saw Kourtney in front of her.


"How are you?" She sat next to her; Ashlyn shut her book so that she could give Kourtney her full attention.

"I'm alright, just a bit tired."

"Same here," she looked around to see no Big Red around. "Hey, where's Big Red?"

"Oh, I arrived earlier with EJ."

"Wait, don't you always get driven by Big Red?"

"Well, I promised to meet Seb earlier today to work on... the musical! He needs help with running lines."

She could smell the suspicion from Kourtney, her eyes were just glancing her up and down.

"Well, where is Seb?"

"He's... running late I guess?" She looked around the courtyard in hopes of finding the blonde boy, no sign of him still.

"Well, can you ask him to come talk to me later?"


"Because, Carlos isn't picking up and I need him for costume opinions. I know he isn't on costume crew, but he is technically the king of fashion."

"True," she could suddenly spot Seb from the corner of her eye. "Got to go now! Tell Nini I say hi when you ring her."

"On it! See you later Ash!"

Ashlyn quickly raced up to Seb and pulled him to the side, much to his confusion.

"I thought we were meeting in the bomb shelter?"

"Change of plans, Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazzara are in there currently. Can we talk out here instead?"

He looked around nervously. "What if someone hears us?"

"It's very early right now Seb, no one really starts piling up to school until later. Let's just get out our scripts and pretend we're running lines for the show, no one will know."

"Are you sure?"



> Ashlyn Moon ❤️

Ashlyn- I'm catching a ride with EJ instead, I just have to do something

Big Red- Do what?

Ashlyn- Something for a club, alright?

Big Red- Alright

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