Under our spell

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Location: Ashlyn's house

Last Midnight. Just watch your backs, you bastards!

She looked like a statue that was glued to the concrete. She saw how people walked by and gave her sympathetic looks, while some stopped and asked if she was alright, but she didn't respond to their questions of concern.

Her eyes could only focus on the first two words.

Last midnight.

Why did the attack happen now? It wasn't the last midnight of this month yet! It all felt like a weird joke. Was this even the same person? It couldn't be the same person if they were attacking this early.

But the time was the exact same. There was no one else who would use that certain time unless it was the same person.

"Ashlyn?" A voice snapped her back into reality, it was E.J Caswell.

"E.J?" She was shocked as to why he was here. "Why are you here?"

"Ricky called me and told me what happened, are you alright?"

"I mean, my house got vandalised, so maybe... no?"

"That's valid."

He stuck his view over to the house, ever so taunting with that haunting threat.

"Wait, last midnight?" He had the same confused expression as her. "It isn't the last midnight of this month yet!"

"I know! That is why I'm so confused, why on earth did they attack now?"

"I don't know Ash, but something tells me that this isn't going to be their last attack..."

"What!" Her heart raced at his words. "Isn't this enough? What point is this person trying to make?"

"The problem is that..." he looked to his younger cousin. "Whatever point they are trying to make, it is starting to get to us, isn't it?"

It was true, and that hurt Ashlyn even more.

"Then what do we do?"

He shrugged. "Let's go inside and start cleaning off the mess, I'll call my dad and your parents."

"The police?"

"Them as well, but I don't know how much they'll be able to do."

She wanted to do more, she wanted to catch the bastard! But she knew that it was all they could do.

Well, at least what they could do for now.

As they both went inside to get the cleaning supplies, she looked to her neighbourhood and sighed in despair.

What was once a neighbourhood that she could trust, now all the eyes of judgement were on her from her neighbours.


Location: Drama (2nd period with Miss Jenn)

Carlos had never looked this fearful before. His pupils were seemingly shaking with fear by looking around, his hands were colder than ice and it concerned Seb so much. He had never seen his boyfriend in such a state before.

"Los?" He tapped his shoulder gently. "Are you alright?"

"Just peachy Seb!"

That was a lie, even Seb could sense it.

"Are you really?"


"You don't have to lie to me."

"I'm not lying to you honey-"

"Carlos, please don't hurt yourself like this. I never learnt how to lie, but even I can probably make one better than you. Just tell me what is wrong and I'll help you."

"You can't help in this problem honey..."

His words intrigued Seb and made him more curious. What did Carlos mean exactly?


Before Carlos could explain further however, Miss Jenn entered.

"Okay my lovely thespians!" She called into the room, making everyone (including Carlos and Seb) look her way. "Today we are just going to have a chill day and catch up on any work we have. If you are however in the musical this year, you may work on singing and practicing scenes!"

Everyone quickly started on whatever they were doing. Half of the class was reviewing their scripts, some went to practice their singing in a quieter area, and most decided to do nothing.

Carlos and Seb however went to the piano. As Seb played the opening notes to last midnight, he could see how nervous Carlos really looked.

He usually expelled confidence from his aura, but now he looked like a deer caught in headlights.

And Seb? He still couldn't put his finger on what frightened his sweet boyfriend.


Location: Library

Ricky had headed off to class, leaving Kourtney and Big Red in the library. It was nice, the quiet atmosphere relaxed their nerves (except the squeaky wheels of the book cart).

But their eyes were just glued to the picture, that stupid fucking picture. Did it have some sort of spell that wouldn't let them look away? It must have, because it was working pretty fucking well.

"Why can't I stop looking at this picture?" Kourtney asked Big Red, he shrugged to her question.

"I don't know... because I can't stop looking as well..."

"You think a spell was cast on it?"

"Okay, now I think we're going crazy." He turned off his phone and sighed. "What is happening Kourt? This feels like a fever dream that I can't get out of."



It was Ashlyn again.

> Ashlyn Moon ❤️

Ashlyn- Me and E.J started cleaning off the mess

That was good news, it took off some of the emotional rocks on his back.

Big Red- That's good! If you still need help after school, I'll come with the gang?

Ashlyn- Thanks Biggie, you're really sweet ❤️

Big Red- I would do anything for you ❤️

"What's up with Ash?" Kourtney peered over his shoulder to take a peek she could only see the last message he sent. "Besides the love..."

"Oh!" He quickly turned off his phone. "Her and E.J are cleaning it right now. If they still need help after school, then we'll go over alright?"

"Alright! I'll send a text to the group chat."

"Thanks, Kourt."

He really appreciated Kourtney; he was so glad that he could call her his friend. As she sent the text to the main chat, another message dinged on her phone.


Why would Seb send her something that sounded so...frantic?

As she opened to fully see the message, both of their hearts dropped as the words were read.

> Sebby! 🐮

Sebby- Carlos fainted! He was acting very worried and I was trying to see what was wrong, but then he just fainted! Miss Jenn woke him up and helped him to the nurse, but I don't know what to do! 

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