
57 3 13

TW: Discussion of past molestation/rape

Location: inside the house

It was dead silent when they entered the house, all that could be heard was the tiny creaks in the floorboards. It looked like a standard house on the inside, but it had a strange vibe that made them all shiver in fear.

"Okay guys," EJ began to say in a hushed whisper. "We need to find Big Red and get that bastard. Seb already has the police on the way, so we just restrain Jack until the police get here."

"But what if he tries to hurt us?" Ricky asked.

"Well, four against one seems very much in the stars that we'll win."

He wasn't very hopeful, but he just had to trust EJ on this plan.

"I trust you on this, I guess."

"Perfect! Now let's split up into pairs. Ashlyn and me together, and you and Gina."

It was good, it wasn't extravagant or anything like that, it was just good. At least in EJ Caswell terms.

This wasn't dangerous, right?


Location: in the car

It was quiet between the couple, Carlos liked that very much as it gave him the time to reflect on everything. He watched as Seb played around with his phone, he took note of how shaky Seb was from his fear.

"You think they'll be alright?" Seb broke the silence between them and placed his hand on Carlos's, Carlos liked how Seb gently caressed his hand with his thumb in a smooth pattern.


"Are you alright?" He wasn't. "You've been silent since we confirmed that it was Jack-"

"I haven't?"

"Well, you've been on edge."

What was that meant to mean?

"I'm sorry?"

He sensed how Seb took a deep breath in and out, he was serious about something.

"Baby, what did Jack do to you?"

Oh fuck, how did he know? He couldn't possibly tell Seb. Why couldn't he? He could only just envision the disgust Seb would feel.


"I can't."

"What? Why? Carlos, I would never judge you."

"That's the thing Seb! I can't tell you!"

"Carlos! Please just tell me!"

"I can't! He will hurt me if I tell!"

The tension died in the car just then, Carlos knew he just slipped something concerning just from Seb's change in expression. His eyes were wide with concern, he also took note of the tight grip on his hand.

"Carlos," Seb cupped his face in his hands, wiping a small tear away with his thumb. "You don't have to get graphic and deep with the details, just tell me what he did that is causing you to be like this."

"He's going to kill me Sebby... he nearly did last year..."

"He won't kill you; I'll make sure he isn't even in the nearest distance to you."

"Is that a promise you can actually make?"

Seb said nothing, he just planted a small kiss on Carlos's cheek in comfort.

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