The vanquishing of the three-headed sea witch

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"Help! Just let me out of here please!" His knuckles were getting sore and bloody from banging on the door, but he suffered through the pain and continued his pleads, someone had to hear him. "Anybody! Let me out!"

He prayed in his heart that someone would come set him free from the closet, but his hopes were dying by the minute as no one was still there. His tears began to flush down his face and combine with his bloody knuckles, staining his feet a crimson colour. He hated this, he just wanted to go home.

"Help..." He banged the door one last time before collapsing to the ground, he squeezed his injured knuckles together only to create more pain and tears. Pain shot through his system, forcing a cold breeze to shiver his body, making him huddle into a sobbing ball on the floor.

Was anyone coming for him?

Probably not.

Well, at least he thought. Soon, he heard the door open and bang against the wall, like someone had entered in a frenzy. It startled him slightly, what if Jack came back to kill him?

"Big Red!" The voice caught him off guard once he heard it, Ricky? He couldn't believe it.

"Big Red!" And Gina as well? His heart erupted into fireworks in that instant, his guardian angels had appeared!

"Ricky! Gina! I'm in here!" He began to kick the door with his feet in order to attract their attention, as his knuckles were... not in the best condition.

His eyes welled up in more tears as he heard one of them rush to the door.

"Big Red! We're going to get you out of there, alright?" Ricky assured.


In a click of a minute, he heard something collide on the outside and smash to the ground. In a second, the door was swung open to reveal his best friend, who instantly showed concern for his bloody state.

"Big Red!" He pulled him into his embrace, giving him a tight and comforting hug. "Are you alright? Did he do anything to you? Please tell me you're alright!"

"He didn't touch me, Ricky! I'm fine!" Ricky took notice of his chafed wrists, which made him glance over to the snapped zip tie in the corner.

"Oh, dear God, did he tie you up?"

He nodded. "Yeah, but I managed to break free so that I could scream for help. Where is Ashlyn?"

Gina came in right then, her eyes expressed with concern and joy for her dear friend.

"Ash is somewhere with EJ; they were also trying to find you. I guess we can go tell them-"

"Holy fucking shit! You little bastard!"


A few minutes before

"And what are you going to do to stop me?"

EJ looked to Ashlyn, who had her eyes stuck on her crutches. She looked to him, he could tell that she had a plan just from how determination was expressed in her pupils.

"Hello!" Jack suddenly barged in on their stares. "You going to do anything? Or are your broken legs too much to handle?"

One last look was exchanged between the duo, time for action... and possibly death.

"Mr. Stockwell, you are so right in this." Did it sound dumb? Yes, but was it enough to put him off guard? Possibly, EJ just had to sound convincing.

"I'm sorry?"

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