Mother's Day - One-Shot

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//This takes place before Mothering Heights but after Grime And Punishment, so sorta in-between.

Tw: death ig??? Also angst. But with a happy ending cuz I don't like to tourcher my readers :)//

Petey woke up from sleeping. It was Sunday, so Dog Man still had Lil Petey for the weekend. Petey then decided to get up for the day and went down stairs to get breakfast.


As he walked down the stairs, Petey felt like something special was supposed to happen today. He just brushed it off as he got his coffee and the paper. (Lol old)

He sat down at his table and looked at the newspaper. He scanned it absent-mindedly until there was a photo of his dad.

"PRISONER ESCAPES FROM CAT JAIL AGAIN- WILL DOG MAN CAPTURE HIM THIS TIME?" it read in big, bold letters. "He's always trying to escape, isn't he?" Petey asked. "When will he learn that they'll just capture him again."

Petey then went to the next page. "Mother's Day Flowers On Sale! 50% OFF!"

So that's what today is, Mother's Day. Petey thought. I guess I should go get some flowers, I haven't visited on Mother's Day in years...

And just like that Petey was out the door. (I was gonna add him grabbing his ukulele but I forgot he found it in Mothering Heights so yeah :') )


Petey walked through the town, it was beaming with life. Flowers were everywhere, trees were blooming, and everyone was out of there homes and doing outdoor activities. It was spring alright.

Petey then saw a little kitten, alone, walking with a bag of flowers in his paw. The sight reminded Petey from when he was younger. He felt sorry for the kitten but kept on walking.

When he reached the flower store, it was almost crowded. But yknow when a store seems crowded, but when you really look, it's really not? It was like that.

Petey looked around until he saw a small group of flowers. The flowers were white, with small splotches of orange. It looked like his mother's fur.

Petey decided to buy those ones. He got to the cash register and paid for the flowers. Before turning to leave, the cash registerer asked him if he was that famous ex-villian Petey The Cat, and Petey replied with a 'yeah'. He then turned to leave and was out the front door.


As Petey walked up the hill where his mother's grave was, he couldn't help but shed a tear. But, it wasn't just a sad tear, it was a mix of sadness, happiness, and a little anger. Sadness of his mother passing, happiness of all the wonderful things in his life, and anger for what his father had done to them.

He then reached the grave and let out a sigh. He placed the flowers down on the ground in front of the grave and sat down.

"Hey, mom." He said. "It's been awhile since I've visited just myself." His eyes started to get watery, but he didn't let himself cry.

"As you see, I have a son now. Well he's more of a clone, but he's your granson." Petey continued. "A lot has happened since you've been gone... I sorta turned into a villian.. but I'm getting better, I promise. And it was all because of my son, Lil Petey."

"I.. I really miss you." He finally let himself cry. "It's been.. its been really hard, but I'm making it. Don't worry. I'll be fine. I promise." He then turned his back. The sun was starting to set and you could see the stars.

Petey's tear-stained face looked up at the stars. It was so peaceful.

And if only he could see the orange and white with angel wings and a halo sitting next to him, a proud expression on her face.

And if only he could see the orange and white with angel wings and a halo sitting next to him, a proud expression on her face

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//hey guess who feels like they're about to throw up at any second at 12:50 am??????? Ok Petey's head looks really deformed but I really don't give a frick rn I'm going to bed. Also sorry if this seemed rushed, it's because it was 😎//

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