-Au/Oneshot #5-

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This sucks why are you reading it.

Also this took like hours help-

Also things like (this) or A/Ns (Authors Notes) lol


A truck that said "Luke and Andrew's funiture" was outside the police station. "Oh boy, my new couch is here!" Sherif Sarah said.

As two people carried the couch into the police station, a cop said, "She's a real beauty, Sherif!"

"I know!" The red headed chief of police responded. The two people that carried the couch in walked out of Sarah's office and said, "We put it in your office." (Yeah no shi-) "Thanks, fellas," Sarah said.

"I can't wait to be the first one to sit on it!" Sarah announced. "CALLING ALL COPS!"

All the cops clustered around their boss to see what was happening.

"Come in my office!" Sarah said. "You can watch me break in my brand new couch!"

"Oh boy, this is gonna be great!" The Sherif said to herself as she walked into her office, to see Officer Milly and Zu Zu The Dog chilling on her brand new couch!

"HEY" Sarah yelled. "Officer Milly and Zu Zu the dog..." Her voice got more stern. "..You got dirty shoes and dog hair everywhere!" Sarah said, pointing to her brand new couch.

"You're the worst cops EVER!" Sherif Sarah shouted. "Get out of my sight!" Officer Milly and Zu Zu the dog walked sadly out of the police station.

"Aw man! Sherif was really mad at us again!" Milly said. "I wish we could do something heroic to impress her."

"Ruff!" Zu Zu said, barking in reponse. Little did they know, two people- well, a person and a cat, were watching them.

"Uh-oh.." The human said. "That cop and that police dog are back!"

"Who cares?" An orange and white cat with a black ear replied to her butler. "Aren't you worried about those two?" The man questioned to the cat.

"Heck no!!!" Sydney replied. "Check this out!" She said as she let her butler down the stairs of her "secret" lab.

She then stopped at a chalk bored and drew Milly The Cop.

"Officer Milly is a tough cop.." Sydney started. "But she ain't got no brains!" The Cat then started drawing Zu Zu on the chalk bored.

"And Zu Zu The Dog is smart..." she continued. "..but her body is her weakness!"

"Yeah, but what if they work together???" The butler asked. "Hmm..." Sydney said in thought. "That might be a problem.."

She then took out a bomb from thin air because apparently that's normal for cannon Dog Man books. "Fortunately, I have a solution!" Sydney stated.

"Tee-hee!" She squealed as she ran up the stairs, out of her lab, and into the grass (to touch it.) away from her lab.

"HELP!" Sydney shouted, enough for Milly and Zu Zu to hear. "ITS A BOMB!" Sydney ran away, smiling as Milly and Zu Zu ran to the scene, ready to defuse the bomb.

"Hmm.. which wire should I cut? Red or green????" Milly asked her furry friend. "Grr!" Zu Zu replied. "Ok! Green it is!"

And so, Milly cut the green wire and the bomb went off! "OH, NO!" Milly yelled. "I forgot dogs were colorblind!!!!"

And soon they were rushed to the hospital. "How do you feel, old friend?" Milly asked her canine companion. "Ruff." Zu Zu barked. "Me too!" Milly replied.

Soon the doctor came in with some bad knews. "Boo-hoo-hoo!" Cried the doctor. "I'm sorry, Zu Zu, but your body is dying :(" He said to Zu Zu. She whined in response.

"and your head is dying too, cop." The doctor said the Milly. "Rats! I sure hate my dying head!" The half-dying cop responded.

Suddenly, Yolay the nurse had an idea. "Hey, why don't we sew Zu Zu's head onto Milly's body?" She stated.

(Ha see what I did there? Cuz yknow, I ship Yolay and Sarah, and Chief and Nurse Lady is cannon, so I made Yolay the nurse? Get it? Yeah it's dumb-)

"Hey, great idea, Yolay!" The doctor replied. Then, in a dangerous operation, they managed to sew Zu Zu the dog's furry head onto Milly The Cop's body...

And thus, Zully was born!

(78% possibility I'm gonna change the name, it was the best one that was created by my friends)

Meanwhile, in Sydney's secret lab..

"Rats! I unwittingly created the greatest cop as ever!" The cat yelled as she gripped the news paper. "Though, I might have just the plan to stop her..."



This was for my Dog Man fanfiction, but I realize trying to go by the books and making that each chapter was gonna be quite hard, so here we are.

Basically this was laying in my wattpad unpublished so I decided to finish it.

Up until "Suddenly, Yolay the nurse had an idea. "Hey, why don't we sew Zu Zu's head onto Milly's body?" She stated." it was copied by the first book, so after it is pretty rushed and dumb since I basically forgot it and didn't have a book lol.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading!

- Cozmo

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