Roasting my old and cringey one-shot

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Future me: Things (like this) are just my comments on things- anyway-


I have decided to finish this one-shot. Please forgive me, I haven't written one before- (you'll get used to it)

This is after Mothering Heights btw.
(Yeah no shit)

also dog man has a ✨speaking collar✨ (coward dieniejdksmd)


It was late in the afternoon. The gang (minus Chief, Yolay, and Sarah) had gone to a fair/amusement park. (W h y)

Petey was going to take only Li'l Petey, but the kitten begged to bring Dog Man and 80-HD along, and after lots of begging, Petey finally agreed. (I hate this already)


Dog Man had just finished winning a giant teddy bear for Li'l Petey, and it was so big 80-HD could hardly hold it. (JSBSIEBWJ)

"So, does anyone wanna go on the Ferris Wheel?" Petey asked, and only Dog Man answered. (Of course, because plot reasons.)

"Sure!" He said realizing nobody else answered. Li'l Petey perked up a bit to this. (JEBDJSNKDMS)

Li'l Petey never really wanted Petey and Dog Man to be enemies, if anything, he would like to just be a big happy family, but he knew his papa wouldn't like that. (yeah cuz your papa's a coward)

So he always tried to get them to be friends. He new Petey still would not like that, (coward) but Li'l Petey still tried every chance he got. (Read that out of context)

"Well if it's just you then I might not go then.." (wtF IABDIENDJSEHHDJSGDJSK) Petey whispered quietly, but loud enough for Li'l Petey to hear.

"Aw, why not? You 2 could BOND!" (I actually quoted this from some Gravity Falls fanart) Li'l Petey told his papa while trying his best to be over dramatic. (theater kid)

"Well, because.. it would be pointless for just two people to go on." (Reasonable) Petey lied. Li'l Petey obviously knew he was lying, so he put his plan into action.

"Pwease?" Li'l Petey asked, with the cutest face you can imagine. (uwu) Like, with an "Oh my gosh I will die for you" kind of face. (Uwu face)

This was one of the weakness Petey had, so he finally agreed to his son. (The other weaknesses is that he's a coward)

"Fine." He said.

"Yay!" Li'l Petey gleamed with excitement. (Jwndiwjd)


This is now me trying to write this in exactly 2:04 in the morning after a couple months of abandoning this. Please enjoy this garbage. Also, just pretend that the little tadpole thing is a human, and since she has powers it's not weird that she can switch between frog and human. (Ew I hate this)

Edit: I watched someone recapping dog man and it's now 2:58 (the video was not 54 minutes long, but it was like 5 minutes and then I surfed the app we call YouTube wjbdjsjdkajd)


As they got in line, Li'l Petey watched from behind without them knowing. (Wtf you creep)

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