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We entered inside, the house i took of my shoes and Carter followed the same. I moved my tag

From "FRIEND" to "HOME", and he asked "why the tags?"

"because in a family of 9 is a bit difficult to remember where is everyone."

Mary appeared in front of us whit her house shoes on.

"How?" said Carter.

"Backdoor" i said.

"Do you want to eat something before the film or just some snacks?"

"Maybe a sandwich..." i proposed

"me too" said Carter looking around.

"Come" i said "Mom is probably in the office then we go down in the basement to watch the film" was a bit weird to invite him in the basement.

we have set up a cozy room down there, big tv and some sofas.

I took the remote for the TV, and sat on a sofa, Carter was just looking aroung astonished.

"Come sit down!"


"have you ever seen a basement?"

"like this no"

"ok... so we are gonna watch harry potter?"

"yes why not"

"which one?"

"obviously from the first" joke him and smiled sitting down on the same sofa.

i found it on a streaming service and Mary came in in whit a big plate of sandwich, a bowl of popcorn and some soft drinks on a big tray.

he putted everything on a coffee table in front of us "have fun guys"

"thanks Mary".

Carter took a couple of sandwich and started to eat that so quicly,

"have you skipped dinner?"

"kinda of, not eat enough"

""why? you need to eat, you are growing! you must eat healthy and enough food!" i faked Mary's voice he laughed. his face lighted up and his Hairs moved whit it.

"take everything you want" i said, "i'm not hungry at all was just to be kind to Mary" in a couple of minutes the dish was empty. 15 sandwiches were gone. I smiled to Carter. He looked happy.

I started the film and sometimes looked at him, he was full in to the film. And was nice, i felt cold

"wanna a blanket?"

"why not?" i stood up and took my blanket from the shelf, and a spare one for Carter.

"here you are" and gave it to him. sat down again but this time he moved a bit while he was put the blanket around him and then i felt him closer.

we commented almost every scene and at the end of the film, we were both silent.

"that was good! and the teacher... i forgot that part..." he was happy "maybe Mrs.May is Voldemort too!" i laughed and him too. Smiling a lot.

"Can i ask you something..." i found some courage

"what Mate?"

"why are you here?"

he was looking at me whit a weird face. 

"no i mean why you left the party and you are hanging out whit me, watching Harry Potter and not whit your friends?"

"because the friend you mean, now are probably so high that they do not even remember their name, and have a conversation whit them that is not related to football or girls is almost impossible." a stop and also my hearth almost stopped "and no one will ever sit here whit me and watch harry potter" he was talking quietly like if he was reveling something then he turned his head and looked at me "and by the way, i'm whit my friend. you are my friend right?"
he was looking at me like if i was about to say something super important. And for me was important
"Yeah, i am" i said totally red silence was thick.
"and why you left the party?"

"i'm not really a party guy, Trevor dragged me there because i was his 'get out of jail card' " and i told him about the bad joke that Trevor did to Mary.

He buster laughing when i finished, still laughing "Trevor is crazy but i like him"

"glad you do"

"but you are twins! you look similar but you are completely two different people"

"yeah but is quite common look at Candice and William for example, one takes two showers a day and the other one every two a weeks".

"yeah true" and we laughed a lot.

"but is true that you have a sort of mental connection whit your twin?"

"i would say yes, but is not a sort of a connection, is more like he is a part of me and i feel it"

he was really listening at me while looking at me whit his green bright eyes widely open, his hairs looked a bit messy but was still really nice. he quietly moved his hand between them. still looking at me. the situation was nice calm like if i was sitting there whit my best friend and not whit a guy that i met less then a week ago.

"shall we watch also the second one?" i proposed blushing.
"yeah sure" said him.

we watched the second film our harms were slightly touching, i could feel his warmth reach my skin, and was such a peaceful moment. we began also the third film but my eyes felt heavy and slowly started to close them.



after talking whit him i felt relieved, he does not judge me, just listen and sometimes makes some question. Tonight was really different from what i expected but it was still good, i mean i've a new friend, and i mean a true one. I mean we are 18 and 16 watching Harry potter in the basement of his house, whit food and popcorn, what is this if is not friendship?

I mean he is cool, he is underestimated but kind and nice. I notice that here at home is completely different from school. And also different from when Trevor is around.

Sometimes i like to have a quick glance at him, i love how his blond hair and pale skin reflect the light of the TV.

I glanced at him and noticed that his eyes were closed, was late almost one, i decided to continue to watch the film for a while until i felt his head laying on my arm. That was woow i felt like if the heat of his body was burning me inside and made me feel good, electricy runned on my skin directly to my brain. i decided that was time to switch off the TV. I moved my arm to reach the remote behind him trying to don't wake him up. His head slides then from my arm to the side of my chest. i felt his soft hair slightly brush my Arm. He was laying on the side of my chest i could feel his breath trough the T-shirt. His Blonde hair were messy now but soft i would love to put an hand between them and touch them. But why i've now this thoughts, this is a guy. But damn he looks cute really cute, his glasses were punching my skin, i tried slowly to slide them out, i caressed his cheek removing his glasses. That gave goose bumps to me, such a soft skin. his glasses were now in my hand. I put them down on the coffee table and looked at him again, his pale skin was white like porcelain, and his blonde hair ruffled up, his blue eyes were closed but he looked so relaxed and sweet like a baby at sleep.

Then i close my eyes and tried to sleep. 



i felt something warm near me, was a wonderful sensation, and a nice scent filled up my nose.

Mixed whit a bit of sweat smell, i opened my eyes and gasped, i was laying on Carter's chest, just under the armpits. Probably we fall a sleep during the movie. could not see nothing clearly, he removed my glasses. I do not want to wake him up his face while he was a sleep looked so peaceful and relaxed, he is nice and cute. I was shivering... was gonna happen if he woke up and i'm under his arm... and where is his arm? is around my chest. was such a wonderful situation, calm and quiet. I moved a bit trying to dont wake him up. I eventually slide out from him whit out waking him up, i found my glasses on the coffee table after i wore them i noticed that i left a stain of spit on his T-shirt... probably i slept whit my mouth open. I hope he wont be angry. But... yeah he did not boder probably is used to do this whit his friends.

I stood up and went upstairs, was 9 am.

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