July 27th 2016

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You were about to start your first year at high school, you used to live in the UK, but due to your parent's divorce, you were now living in Australia with your grandma.

 it was extremely hot here compared to what you were used to and you already had some pretty intense burns on your arms and legs, you had been wearing nothing but a strap top and shorts all weekend as it was far to hot to be wearing anything else. 

You didn't know anyone here except your grandma's neighbour's son, Atticus who you had only spoken to a few times when his Ya-ya brought both your family and hers together for christmas to have a meal together. Her cooking was amazing! when Atticus was little, he never used to even touch any of her food but now he scoffed it down like he hadn't eaten in days. hes a little weird but He seemed nice enough.

Your grandma had told you that he would be looking after you for a while at school until you settled down a bit more, although he was the same age as you and starting high school the same time as you he knew a lot more about when to go out in the sun, when to not go out into the sun, how to take care of burns, how to advoid poisionous animals and other things like that. 

Your grandma could obvoiusly just tell you things like that herself, but she wanted you to make some friends and not feel too awkward about moving to such a different place so she thought it best for Atticus to teach you and you could get to know each other. 

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