August 4th 2016

526 8 4

Today was a weekend and you didn't really know what to do. You kinda just sat there texting your old friends and watching YouTube.

After doing this for a while, you heard a knock at the door. Your grandma opened it.

There was atticus, just getting off his bike.

'Hello atticus!' Your grandma said, letting him inside.

'Hello! Is y/n in?' He said, looking around.

'Yes they are, but why are you after them?' She replied, smirking a little.

'Oh, uhh I was wanting to take them to the beach if that's okay?' He said, nervously.

'So, do you mean as in a date or something?' She said, properly smirking this time.
Atticus' face turned extremely red.

'That's not what I meant...!' He said, blushing a ton and putting his face in his hands.

'If you say so!' She laughed.

'Y/n! Atticus wants to know if you want to go to the beach with him!' You grandma shouted up the stairs.

You quickly went down stairs and saw atticus standing there, smiling. He was wearing blue denim shorts and a gray Oasis (the band) shirt.

'Sure!' You replied, putting on some trainers. You were wearing a tank top and shorts again.

'I've already got everything we need!' He said, showing his backpack full of stuff.

'So do you guys need a lift- or-' your grandma replied, picking up her keys.

'No I've got that covered! It's fine!' Atticus said, stepping outside.

'Ok cool! Be back by 8pm y/n!' You grandma said, waving you off and shutting the door.

'So, how are we going to get there?' You asked atticus, moderately confused. He put his backpack on the front of his bike and got on.

'Here! It's easier!' He shouted.
He gave you his helmet. 'Here you go. You need it more than me. I don't want you getting hurt' he said and you accepted it.

'But what about you?' You worryingly said, but he shook his head.
'Don't worry.'

You got on the back of his bike.

'Here, hold on to my waist, so you don't fall.' He said, looking at you. You gently wrapped your arms around his waist and he started cycling, you then got scared as the seat wasn't big enough for both of you.

You held on to him tighter, putting your face against his back.

He giggled.

Sooner or later, you both arrived there.

Atticus x reader (little lunch)Where stories live. Discover now