August 3rd 2016

589 7 5

You woke up, atticus' arms around your torso and yours hugging his head.

You realised you had slept In your uniform all night.

You tried to shake Atticus awake but there was no response.

'Hey atticus, wake up!' You said, gently shaking him again and again until he finally woke up.

'Mmm.. what?' He said, sounding all groggy.
'We have to go to school, it's morning!' You chuckled. 
'No. I don't want to. I want to stay here with you all day.' He said, burying his face into your chest again.

'Please?' You asked, but he shook his head.
'Why not?' You questioned, looking at him, there was no response. Again.

'Pleaseeeee? I'll stay with you all day, but we have to go to school, all your friends are worried about you.' You said, trying to guilt trip him a little bit.

'No. I don't want to. I don't care. I want to stay here with you.' He said refusing to let you go.

:') guess he's more of a simp then you!

'But I need to go to school, so I can't stay with you. Unless you come with me.'

'Can't you just stay here with me?'

'No, sorry I have to go to school.'

'Please?' He almost begged.

'No, I'm sorry' you said, stroaking his head again.

'Fine I'll go to school.' He said, rolling his eyes. You both got up from the bed.

Atticus' pov

I don't know why, but I felt the need to stay with them. They made me feel at home, feel protected, so happy.

I didn't want to go to school, but if that was the only way I could stay with them, I would do it.
I've been feeling really sensitive since I heard.. you know.. the news about my dad yesterday, and I've been embarrassingly clingy.

I hope they don't think I'm insane or a simp or something.

When we got up from the bed, they walked over to get my clothes for me. They really didn't need to do that, but they insisted.

I looked over to my desk, and saw a picture of my father. I began tearing up again, I couldn't help it. I couldn't imagine loosing him, he's too close to me, he's my dad after all.

I tried to cover up my tears because they didn't need to see me crying again, I was already a big enough burden on them.

But they did. They saw my tears fall, ran over to me and hugged me tightly.

I'm quite a bit taller than them, so their head was under my chin.

'It's okay, trust me, he's going to be fine.' y/n said, running their fingers through my hair again.

'Maybe you're right.' I replied, hugging them back. They left the room to get changed.

I got changed into my clothes, packed up my school bag and went down stairs.


'Are you going to school today?' My ya-ya asked.

'Yes, y/n made me.' I laughed nervously. I hugged her. She hugged me back.

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