Meeting the group

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After the class ended, you went to look for Atticus but you couldn't find him anywhere.

You spotted Melanie standing by herself looking like she was searching for someone too. You walked over to her.

'Hey Melanie, have you seen Atticus?' You asked, looking slightly panicked. 'Yes he came up to me, he said he was searching for you and that he was going to look near our English classroom' she smiled. You thanked her and walked back to the English classroom. You saw Atticus pacing up and down the corridor looking for you.

'Oh hey y/n! I was looking for you everywhere!' He said, running over to you. 'I really want to introduce you to some of my friends from my primary school! Follow me!' He said, excitedly as he lead you outside to a group of people.

You had only just met him properly and he was acting like you've known each other for years!

Melanie waved at both of you and smiled. She was sat next to a tall boy with short gray-blonde-ish hair. He looked like he was daydreaming.

'Y/n, this is everyone, everyone meet y/n!' Atticus said, pushing you into the middle of the group. You had always struggled with social anxiety and froze- feeling like you were about to cry. You clenched your fists to stop yourself from making tears fall.

Atticus noticed this and ran up to you. 'Are you alright?' He mouthed to you, standing next to you. You slowly and subtly shook your head. He gave you a pitiful smile and held your hand which relaxed you a little bit.

'Atticus, are you guys dating?' A short, blonde boy said looking confused. Atticus blushed. 'No we are not dating. I think y/n was a little nervous so I'm trying not I calm them' he replied.

'Anyway let's meet everyone! Melanie already told me that you two are friends, so I guess I don't have to introduce you to each other' he said giving a cheeky look to Melanie.

He took you over to the boy with gray-blond-ish hair, still holding your hand. 'This is Battie, we've been friends since grade 2, for you, that would be year 3' Atticus explained as you were British and didn't really understand the concept of grades to years.

You waved a small hello to Battie, he smiled back and waved. 'Are you British?' He asked  and you nodded, smiling.

Atticus then lead you over to a girl with dark brown braids. She was holding the boy with blonde hair's hand.

'Hello my name is Debra-jo' she said abruptly and straightforwardly, putting her hand out for you to shake it Like Melanie did back in English.

I guess that's mainly how Australian people great each other.

'And this is my boyfriend Rory' she said looking at the blonde boy. They smiled at each other. And she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

'Oh get a room you two!' Atticus laughed as he squeezed your hand. You looked up at him. He was laughing. He looked so happy, so at piece. 

He then noticed you looking at him and he smiled at you, letting go of your hand now, looking a tad embarrassed.

You missed holding his hand. Your hand felt so cold now. It felt lonely without his wrapped around yours. 

What were you thinking? You've only properly met him today Lol. U simp.

A blonde girl with a high ponytail stood up and walked over to you. 'Hey my name's Tamara. Do you play any sport or anything?' She said looking overly energetic.

'Um yes. I play netball!' You said happily.

'Are you any good at it?! How long have you been playing? Can we do a Match one time?! OOH I HAVE THE BEST IDEA! WHY DON'T WE HAVE A GAME NOW!' She rammed these questions into your head. It was pretty intense.

Atticus stood in front of you.

'Tamara, we have time for things like that later! Don't go on bombarding y/n with all of these questions!' Atticus snapped.

'Hey, Atticus. It's okay I really don't mind,' you said, placing your hand on his shoulder.

He turned around to face you. Obviously blushing from your touch, then got embarrassed and tried to cover it up.

'Yes but it's still unnecessary for her to be asking so many questions' he said, looking at you.

'Yeah maybe Atticus is right, sorry y/n! Haha' Tamara laughed, placing her hand behind her
head, closing her eyes.
The rest of the day went kind of the same, you had most other classes with Atticus where you sat next to him. You guys planned to meet up after school at the Guate. (The whole group)


Authors note:
I finally managed to do a long chapter! I'm sorry that the other ones were so much shorter. I'm not very good at writing fanfics. But I'm trying my best. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you tomorrow. but before you go here's some important things you may want to know.
——————=time skip.
:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:=end/beginning of chapter

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