getting back home.

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when you arrived back to Atticus' house,  he took you upstairs to his room.

it was a very spacious room, painted in olive green with a white king size bed. in the left corner of the room sat a window, and below that window was a desk, on the desk was a lamp which illuminated a drawing.

you walked over to the desk and picked up the drawing.

'don't- don't look at that.. it's not ready yet.' Atticus said, reaching out his hand to try and stop you, a worried look plastered on his face.

but it was too late for him to do anything, you had already seen it.

'shit..' he muttered under his breath.

it was a drawing of a person.

but not just any person.

it was a drawing of you.

and it was beautiful, it captured your image perfectly. every single detail was astonishing.

'Atticus is this?..' you said, holding the drawing and turning to face him.

'you? yeah.. it's a drawing of you. it was supposed to be a surprise gift to welcome you to Australia, but i guess it's not much of a surprise anymore.' he replied, avoiding eye contact and giving off the expression that he was embarassed.

'you know what, i didn't see anything. i never saw a drawing and i don't know anything about a surprise' you said, placing it back on the desk and smiling at him.

he smiled back at you pitifully and mouthed the words thank you.

there was a knock on the door.

'kids are you in there?' Atticus' ya-ya shouted, shocking both of you.

'yeah we are!' Atticus replied. she opened the door.

'y/n, would you like to stay for dinner?' she asked, smiling. you politely accepted, she nodded and left the room.

'so, what do you want do to?' atticus questioned

'i don't really mind, we could watch a movie or something,' you replied, shrugging.

'sure! im gonna get changed first though. your grandma brought some clothes for you to change into, they're in my parents room. down the corridor, first on the left.' he smiled, showing you the directions.

'great, thanks!'

you walked over to his parent's room and looked at the clothes your grandma had gotten you. it was a tank top and shorts.

(Choose whichever one makes you feel most comfortable! This story is for all pronouns. But y/n is addressed as they/them!)

 But y/n is addressed as they/them!)

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the outfit seemed comfortable enough

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the outfit seemed comfortable enough. you got dressed and walked back to Atticus' room.

you knocked on his bedroom door 'hey I'm back!' you said extatically.

'oh hey! come in!' he said, getting up and opening the door.

you entered.

Atticus was waring a pair or shorts and a hoodie.

he looked cute.

very cute.

you had to try hard not to blush. he looked so comfy.

you kinda wanted to intertwine with him, his arms around you, holding you, protecting you.

snap out of it. bro you're such a simp. stop. omg.

he looked at what you were waring. you saw his jaw drop and his cheeks turn red, just slightly. he then snapped out of it, closed his eyes and smiled.

you both sat on his bed.

he suddenly looked really worried.

'hey wait a sec,' he said, and grabbed your arm gently to look at it.

'does it hurt?' he asked.

'does what hurt?' you replied, you then looked to where he was looking. your sunburns.

crap. this was embarassing.

'yeah, they do, but its nothing to worry about.' you said, folding your arms, embarassed. he wasn't going to take that. he was going to make sure you were okay.

'be right back.' he said, doing a thumbs up sign and running out of the room. he soon came back with a damp towel and a box of other things. 'ok can you tell me where you have the worst burns?'

'yeah, mainly on my arms.' you replied.

'this might hurt a bit. im sorry, squeeze my hand if it does.'

he then took your hand and began jently dabbing the wet towel onto your burns. you shut your eyes due to the pain and squeezed his hand. 'its okay, its okay, ive got you.' he said, comforting you and rubbing your head as he continued. he then jently rubed moisturiser into your your burns. it then felt a lot better.

'thank you Atticus..' you said smiling. 'but how did you know what to do?' you asked.

'oh haha, i used to get sunburns all the time as a little kid and i had to know how to deal with them.'

you then both lay down on his bed and he switched the tv on and began a movie.

when the movie started, you moved, so you were lying on his lap, cuddling him.

even though you had just recently met him, this felt so right. it felt like it was meant to me.

he felt shocked but didn't move you. he instead began playing with your hair.

you were about to fall asleep but you could swear you felt him kiss the top of your head. just very jently.


author's note:

hey guys! i hope you liked this chapter! i know it was cringe lol but i loved writing it! it's a very long chapter though. i feel very tired after wtiting it.

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