7 (Mysterious) Years Later...

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Hi peeps! Again I'm sorry for not updating. Also I have been informed that i put complete on my stories when they are not finished! My bad I'm still kinda new, not new NEW. Just that I haven't written a fanfiction before. Anyways onward with the story and I don't own FT!

(Normal P.O.V)
It has been 7 years since the incident of Jude and Layla Heartfilia's death. The last Heartfilia still lives, but no one knows where she is. Everyone had questions like 'Who still runs the company?' Or 'Where is the daughter of Jude and Layla?'.

These questions will still remain unanswered. What did happen to her? Lets go and find out! :)

(Lucy P.O.V)
"Princess? Do you need any help?" Asked Virgo, she is my maid who keeps insisting on punishment. "No thank you! I'm fine on my own." I said through the door. I was currently taking a shower while sitting on a chair. Sigh.

After the big accident 7 years ago, I had found out I got disabled. The good thing was that I could walk soon instead of being in a stupid wheelchair. Anyways, I am taking a shower because today is my first day of school. I will be attending Fairy Tail Academy.

I am very excit-. I was caught off by me falling backwards in the tub. "Kyaa!" Ouch that hurt! Virgo them came in with a worried expression on her face. She gasped "Princess! Are you alright?" She asked while helping me to get back up on the chair. "Yes, thank you."

Virgo looked at me with a blank expression "Is it punishment time hime-sama? For me not helping you?" I just sweat dropped "No Virgo. Can you please help me get out so I can get dressed?" She nodded.

After I got dressed, Virgo helped me get on my wheelchair. As soon as I was helped get in the car, we drove off. A few minutes later we got there. It was huge. Virgo then pushed me out to the main office.

*Time skip*

After I got my schedule I went to my locker. The principal Makarov, agreed that Virgo can be my helper at school until he finds one. "Princess, do you need anything before we go into your class?" I shook my head.

"No thank you Virgo. Anyways it is 4th period right now, which is P.E." She nodded and we headed to the Gym. Our teacher was a man named Elfman. "So your Lucy? I hope your a real man unlike these others." He said while pointing to the boys playing basketball.

I giggled. "Go be a real man and sit next to the bleachers with McGarden." Virgo helped me get there. I saw a petite bluenette wearing red glasses while reading a book. "Oh, hello there!" She said smiling. "Hi." She sat next to me. "I'm Levy McGarden, are you new here?" I nodded. "My name is Lucy. Today is my first day here."

Then she took my hands. "Don't worry, I will help you throughout the school year! Do you mind if I call you Lu-chan?" I smiled warmly at her. "No, i don't mind at all. Mind if I call you Levy-chan?" She nodded "I can tell we are going to be best friends!"

As soon as Gym was over, Lunch started. Both Levy and Virgo helped me. After we got our lunch, we went outside to a table under a tree that gives us shade. We ate silently "Virgo? Aren't you going to eat?"

She shook her head "No, you eat princess." I felt guilty that we get to eat and she didn't. "So Virgo? Are you Lucy's helper or something? Also why do you call her princess?" She asked. I looked at Virgo and she understood what I wanted her to say.

"Only temporarily. She needs someone to help her until the principle finds someone to help her instead. Also I call her princess because she dressed up like one."

She was going to ask more but was cutoff by some voices. "Can we join you?" A couple of girls asked.

Again I'm sorry! Anyways bye-bye!

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