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I will start to do shout outs and I don't own FT!

(Normal P.O.V)
Lucy was running all over the place. "This is like a dream come true!" Then she stopped and frowned. "What's wrong?"

Lucy shook her head "What if this really is a dream?" Grandeeney smiled at her cuteness. "Don't worry Lucy, this is real. We are both so proud of you!"

Lucy stopped pinching herself and hugged her. "Thank you, so much! I wouldn't be able to walk if it weren't for you!" She chuckled.

"Let's go test out your legs." They walked and made it in a gym. "I want you to go on this and walk slowly. Let's make sure we don't push the limit, alright?"

Grandeeney said while fixing the treadmill. Lucy got on and walked slowly. After a few hours, she could start jogging only a bit.

While they ate, Lucy was in deep thought. "What am I going to do about school?" Grandeeney put her fork down.

"What do you mean?" Lucy ran a hand through her hair. "Everyone will probably think I was faking or something." Grandeeney shook her head.

"Well, you can't skip school anymore, can you?" Lucy shook her head. "Maybe, I was thinking that I should transfer to another school. Where I can start out fresh without people having to always 'help' me."

Grandeeney just looked at her and sighed. "If that is what you want, go for it. I am with you each step of the way." Wendy smiled. "Literally!" She said and they all laughed.

While Grandeeney cleaned, Wendy and Lucy played outside in the garden. "Lucy-san, I have something to tell you! Actually, two things to tell you!"

Lucy smiled at her "What is it Wendy?" She played with her fingers. "I met someone, his name is Romeo." Lucy squealed.

"Little Wendy is growing up! Is he your boyfriend or something?" She blushed. "Lucy-san!" She just laughed.

"So how did you meet him?" Wendy smiled softly "I actually met him twice. First, was during a business trip with my mom."

Lucy nodded "Second, was when I went to your school." Lucy's eyes widen. "You went to my school? Why?" Wendy sighed

"I was going to keep it a secret, but I might as well tell you." Lucy ushered her to continue.

"I'm transferring to your school, well was. If you aren't going to be there, neither am I!" Lucy felt a pang of guilt.

She wanted to leave and wanted Wendy happy. "I will think about it. When I decided I will let you know." She nodded and they went outside.

Lucy told Grandeeney that she was going to go home (The one Natsu picked her up in) since it was close to her house.

When she got there, she turned on the lights and gasped at what she saw.

It's kind of crappy! I don't like this chapter but oh well!

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