Ch. 12: The flickering light in the snow

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A long time passed, it seems. Well, back at it, I guess.




Y/N felt at ease. He enlisted in Kazuma's party, met and caught up with the members, and confirmed his status as non-dead. He then would go on to level up his skills, from everything being on "one", becoming three each. it took him almost 2 gruesome weeks, yet he succeeded. The one thing that was bothering the young man was that snow samurai he met in the snowy plains. He was so powerful, yet kind at first. He spoke fluent japanese, as Y/N figured. He understood immediately: He must be from another world, just like Kazuma and him.

By that time, winter has hit it's peak, snow storms erupting almost every single day. Y/N wanted to know more about the samurai, so, one day, when everyone went to sleep, Y/N put on his armour and headed towards the plains where he first encountered the being in question.

He traversed the snowy badlands, entering in an area so snowy, it almost felt like Y/N could be blown away with the sheer power of the wind. He unsheathed his nodachi, which he called S/N, and used it as a cane, to try not to be blown away.

_-Timeskip for 10 minutes of confusing traversing-_

?: 雪の王国に近づくあなたは、立ち上がって後退します。

- Shit... I can't make out any of it... I'll try to use something I learned.

Y/N took a deep breath and shouted:

- 私はあなたのスピーチを理解することはできませんが、私はあなたに害がないことを意味します!( I can't understand your speech, yet I mean you no harm!)

?: おー?それでは、私とのあなたのビジネスは何ですか?

- I came to ask you a simple question: Just who exactly are you?

?: Fortunately, I do understand what you say, therefore I shall continue to speak with thee, only with the most suitable language for you.

- I didn't even have an idea of that, sorry.

?: You have exactly 10 seconds to state the reason of your visit. If you do not comply, 私はあなたの頭を切り落とします!

-/I don't even need to understand what he said, it's pretty obvious./

- Then, I came only to ask you about the origin of your appearance in this wor-

?: Your time is up, trespasser! Leave immediately, or be destroyed!

- Wait, wait!

?: Wrong choice, friend. Hrraagh!

The samurai quickly unsheathed his katana and rushed towards Y/N, slashing horizontally.

Y/N was ready for that, though. He placed his nodachi in front of him, blocking the initiative.

?: Oh, it seems you will be fun to play with.

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