A Spinoff: BF/N's story.

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We go back to C/N, in which Y/N died. It is dark outside. There we see a boy who is currently reading a book. Then, he gets a message on his phone and gets up to read it. There, he sees none other than Y/N's girlfriend calling him.

- G/N? What do you want?

G/N: Bf/N... Hey.

- Yo. You need help with homework or something?

G/N: Not exactly... Well... You know Y/N has been quiet lately?

- Yee, he hasn't been online for a couple o'days. You know what happened to him? I got For Honor a month ago and we played together only 1 or 2 times.

G/N: Yes, I... am aware of where he is. I am actually inviting you... To his... funeral.

- ...What?! The fuck you talking 'bout?!

G/N: I know this is shocking, I was in shock as well, but...

- But what?!

G/N: B-but let's at least give him a final farewell!

- Nah, I ain't coming. I'll mourn him my old way, the one we agreed on.

G/N: Y-You aren't coming to your best friend's funeral?! It's the last time you're gonna see his face in your life!

- Nay, I'll not be seeing him.

G/N: You know what? I always knew you were a pathetic fool who didn't cherish people!

- Me and Y/N go wa-a-ay back, so don'tcha speak 'bout "cherishing" him. "It's all blabbering", as he would say. Now, fuck right off.

G/N: To hell with you!


- ...This is just fucking abysmal. My best friend, with whom I walked through all of my life... Is now being put into the ground. Well, shit.

Bf/N covered his face with his palm as he let a couple of tears out. This was quite possibly the worst day of his life.

- And now what am I supposed to do in this wretched world, huh, Y/N?! I guess... Nothing. It's time to do The thing.

Bf/N quietly stood up, reached for the cupboard and pulled out a bottle of liquor he prepared to drink with Y/N. He sipped out of it and exhaled some steam.

- Was hoping you could get some of it, brother. Yet still, it's not like I'm 'bout to hang out here aimlessly! It's still 2 days before christmas, so I might as well be a risky boy as we have agreed.

Bf/N quickly stood up, reached for his computer and booted up. He scrolled through the various news articles, stopping at a particularly interesting one. it stated of  a boy of 17 years was shanked in an alleyway while trying to protect a girl.

- Bruuuh, this just screams Y/N, the fuckin' white knight he was. Well, anyway, you won't be waiting for too long, I guess. Try not to get bored without me, fool!

After that, Bf/N stood up and looked at the time. It was 8:30 PM, 30th of December.

- Tomorrow I won't even be able to enjoy the Christmas with the boys because of ya. Well, I guess there's no reason for continuing on being awake, time to go to sleep.

With that said, Bf/N travelled to the shower, washing himself and changing for the night.

- Well then, good night, me.

Bf/N then got in his bed and waited for 3 minutes, after which his eyelids became heavy and he finally fell asleep.


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