Chapter Three: The Dance

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I fixed my flower crown, but it still tilted sideways and looked my self in the mirror. I was wearing a deep blue dress, white flats and a traditional flower crown made out of leaves and daisies. I tried fixing it again but it still tilted sideways, I let out a annoyed huff and walked down my parents were either proud or sad. "My baby is growing up so fast" my mom said. I blushed, "I have to go!" I said looking at the clock out of embarrassment. I ran outside to find Pure Vanilla with a bunch of white lilies. "For you" he said handing me the beautiful bouquet. "Thank you" I said, blushing. When we got to the dance I spotted Holly berry I a beautiful mint green dress. I told Pure Vanilla I was going to go talk toHollyberry "Hi." I said "Hi." "So who's your date?" she asked "Pure Vanilla." I said "Who's yours?" "Golden Cheese." she replied pointing at a girl with sunny blonde hair, golden eyes and a teal gown "She's cute." I said. "Thanks, I thinks." she said with a hint of laughter we talked until the music started I walked back to Pure Vanilla. We started to dance and I was surprised that he was such a good dancer he moved perfectly with the rhythm. Then the slow song started we started to dance and I wondered if I was dreaming, but part of me wondered, my Dark enchantress cookie wondered if he was faking. When the song stopped, Vanilla looked at me and smiled taking my hand and walked with me to the gardens where we heard a choir of grasshoppers play a sweet melody, he grabbed my hand and I looked into those cream yellow and sky blue eyes, both of use smiling as we danced. Our feet moved together to the melody, right,left,up and down. "I feel so lucky." I said, "To be here with you dancing." "Me too Lily." Pure Vanilla said back. We danced together for hours but to me it felt like seconds. We both smiled and he brought me in and kissed me softly. I was surprised and happy. I kissed him back. We both smiled. We went back only to find the dance over. When we got to my castle. He stopped to kiss me one the cheek and thanked me for tonight, I thanked him as well for the flowers and the dance. I flopped across my bed happily, but when I checked the time and saw what it was I started to get ready for bed. When I was finished I went into my covers and fell into a deep sleep.

Good night Diary.

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