Chapter Fourteen: Blind

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I woke up, got dressed and quickly grabbed an apple. I walked out of the house surprised to see Pure Vanilla their waiting for me. "Hi." "Hi, Lily," he started to say. "I have something, I need to tell you." "What is it?" "Well I believe you know the Kingdom in the Sky, correct?" "Yes." Well, that is where I'm from. But they have a prophecy." He said as we walked. "The prophecy, said that the Sky Kingdom King, shall be blind. And well, I'm blind." I looked, well not that shocked and he must have noticed. "Lily, you don't look all that surprised." "Well, it's just that, the way you describe your surroundings, how you know everything, even with your eyes closed." I told him, truthfully. He laughed and ran off tho class I followed him, not wanting to be late again. I smiled at him as we sat down and he smiled back.  I only had two classes with Pure Vanilla, which meant I got to see him five times a day, sometimes more. I couldn't help but wonder why he didn't tell me sooner. I copied my homework down from the board, but was surprised that I was kept back in music class, my last class. "I heard you sing, you sound lovely!" "Thank you Professor Ice cream cookie." "And the song you sang, was it something you wrote?" "Yes, it was." "What is the song called?" "Safe and Sound." "I love the lyrics, though my I ask, have you been writing songs for a long time?" "Yes, I have." "My I hear them?" "I-I d-don't k-know." I stammered. I looked at the clock, it was almost two! I told Ice cream cookie I had to go and ran to Pure Vanilla. "Sorry, I was held back." I panted. "It's alright." I smiled and took his hand. We walked to a waterfall? He led me to a waterfall were he typed up a code. The waterfall parted, and inside was a waffle bot. When we got to, well I don't know I saw it. The Kingdom in the Sky. "It's amazing!" I said in awe. "Thank you." "Your welcome." Me and Vanilla chatted for a while as we walked around the town square. He took me to a restaurant, for dinner. I smiled and blushed as we ate. I was curios though. "I want to know, of you are blind, how do you see the colors of Earth bread?" "I see them, in my own vision, in the colors that I would enjoy seeing." Vanilla answered. I wasn't surprised, Pure Vanilla, he saw things his way, it was fascinating. I smiled he took me back to my home. Diary, when I reread what I wrote, I saw something. The prophecy. Diary it says. "The Sky Kingdom King, shall be blind. And so will his love." Diary, what does that mean. Please answer tomorrow morning. Well goodnight Diary.

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