Chapter Twenty Four: Sorry

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Where were we? Oh yeah. I smirked and he looked, hurt and also concerned. I walked away, not wanting to cause a bigger scene. I reached my house, and I stayed up all night writing songs. I f finished writing and I loved the final result. I finally, forced my tired dough to get some sleep. I woke up the next morning and got dressed in my school uniform,black sandals and a white lily bracelet. I walked and met Brown Sugar at the Academy. We walked to class together and I got evil eyes and death glares, I didn't know why, but I didn't care honestly and the group seemed to notice. I was letting Dark Enchantress control me for a bit. The school day dragged on and when it was finished I was excited. I walked home and was surprised to find Vanilla waiting on my doorstep. I smiled, but it was more forced than anything. I asked if he wanted to come inside and he nodded. We took off our shoes and sat down in the living room, it was awkward. "So, did you come here to see me or too see my house?" I asked, teasingly. "Both." he replied and we laughed. "Lily, what is going on though?" he asked me concerned again, and I was pissed. "Nothing much, just another simple battle." I replied coldly. "Lily, this isn't you, so stop acting like it is." I was, hurt but I laughed coldly. "Are you sure?" I asked. He was shocked. But I knew he was sure. "Look, the war it's not as easy as you think okay? Sometimes you have to lose to win." "Lily, you know one of my favorite quotes was. Sometimes to believe in yourself you must trust that someone believes in you. I believe in you Lily, now it's time to believe yourself." I smiled and nodded. He sat closer to me and kissed me. We both smiled and started to talk a bit about school, like adults, I know boring. He left soon after and he promised he would be nicer to Brown Sugar. I ate my dinner and walked quietly to bed, to get some rest, but I couldn't sleep. I went down stairs to get a drink of mango juice. I was surprised to see dad. sitting at the kitchen counter. "Hi, dad." I said unsure. "Hi." He said with a small smile. It became something known as awkward silence. "Hows school?" "It's... fine." I didn't want to get into much of it, luckily he didn't pay much attention to what I said. "That's amazing." I smiled weakly and walked off to my bedroom, I fell asleep in three hours. I was happy we didn't have school tomorrow. I slept till ten in the morning! I was still tired and felt the need to sleep still, but I smelled fresh pancakes and decided to go down. I was still surprised when I saw dad. "Sorry if this is a rude question, but why are you hear?" "The Kingdom needs some work to be done." I nodded ate my breakfast and went to the soda shore, were I was going to meet Vanilla, Brown Sugar and the group. 

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